A server that we just started. An all around hangout focused on Games, Music, Youtube and Art! We need more members and more moderators so come join! We have custom emotes and VC every now and then. Suggestions are welcome!
Looking For More Cool People!
Server features!
*Twitch Streams
*Music, Art And Memes
*Bots And Roles
*Self Promotion
*Grand Theft Auto V
*Future Events And More!
--Most People Are In Voice Channels, Trying To Get More Active People In Text Channels! Thank you, have a great day!--
Servidor da Família Lofs! Liderada pelo Morcegão Montalvão, YouTuber com canal focado em games.
O Servidor é focado em jogatinas, chat e gravações do Morcegão! Sendo também um servidor "family-friendly", aqui as regras são muito rigorosas, o seu desvio poderá acarretar em punições severas ou até mesmo o banimento permanente. Sinta-se bem vindo para fazer parte dessa família e divirta-se!
Hello, People I would like to introuduce my discord server!!
We have..
Music Bots!
Gaming Channels! And Games!! <3
Giveaways!! (For different games Or other stuff)
Awesome stuff!!
thinking:Memes chat!!
And more!!! c: