A political server designed for two-way, respectful, bipartisan debate and discussion on politics and current events. We have been on Discord for two years, and have developed a great community that is able to come together and find common ground in a unqiuely diverse, civil, and non-toxic place!
Du suchst nach einem Politikrollenspiel? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!
In unserem Rollenspiel kannst du einer Partei beitreten oder auch deine eigene erstellen. Wenn deine Partei Erfolg hat, könntest du vielleicht ja auch demnächst im Bundestag einziehen und ein Minister oder vielleicht ja auch der nächste Bundeskanzler werden.
Du bist überzeugt? Dann wünschen wir dir viel Spaß in unserem Server!
Simanarchy is a community attempting to simulate an anarchist utopia, we are accepting of anyone who wishes to participate and are a SFW community. We also democratically decide anything that affects the community as a whole. Feel free to join us.
This server is for my YouTube channel, let's create a good community, learn, and challenge ourselves on different beliefs! Conservatives, liberal, and libertarians all need to have discussions, hopefully, we can all find common ground and pursue the truth.
To the conservative women's server to uplift conservative women voices and unite with liberals, progressives or libertarians to discuss and find common ground. Hopefully we can grow a community to gain better dialogue
What are you waiting for?!