# Galaxify is with you with its free use and comfortable music listening feature
Galaxify Serves You With Both Buttons, Menus, and Prefix.
Galaxify Provides Musical Pleasure Without Interruption.
Here are Galaxify Popular Commands:
- /play : You Listen to Music
- /skip : You Skip the Song
- /autoplay : Automatically opens the Song
- /avatar : shows avatar
- /setprefix : You Set a Custom Prefix
- /247 : Plays Songs 24/7
- /volume: you adjust the volume
- /leave : leaves the audio channel
- /join : you add to the audio channel
- /stop : closes the song
- /pause : pauses the song
- /nowplaying: shows the song playing
- /destroy: leaves the audio channel (closes the song directly).
Get Ready for a Sea Journey with Galaxify in Games, Lessons, Software, Business, etc.
- [İnvite](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=665515464868233233&permissions=8&scope=bot) Discord Bot
- We are waiting for you on our server for problems and [Support](https://discord.gg/EnSXBrkDdh) about t
Hade - The Ultimate Discord Music Bot
Looking for the perfect music companion for your Discord server? Hade is here! Experience the ultimate music bot with seamless support for YouTube, Spotify, Deezer, Tidal, and more.
Questo bot ha svariate utilità!
Serve per moderare il proprio server, proteggerlo con comandi super efficaci in caso di Raid, ha un sistema di Economia per divertirsi, altri comandi per giochi, sistemi di warns, reports...
Molto altro in arrivo...
S-bot is a multifunction bot, made to moderate a server, made to listen to and play music in a voice room, alone or with others, and has integrated games to have fun together during an evening or whenever you want !
Cross-o-chat with other servers. Currently growing and improving with time. It requires only a setup command to the correct channel and the bot will take care of the rest. This isn’t for the faint of heart and it will Include some profanity. At our very best the bot will detect slurs and blacklist many racist comments.
Run: /globalchat-setup
Other features include:
Currency commands
Shop/Sell/Mini Games
Order Fast Food & Coffee
Emoji Managing
Counting Setup
Emoji Manager
Sticky Roles
Moderation Panel
and more!
The X-Ample Ultimate Mod Bot is your all-in-one Discord moderation solution. With slash commands, automated stats, advanced role management, detailed logs, and powerful tools like /warn, /mute, /ban, and more, it keeps your server secure, efficient, and user-friendly.