?? Bem Vindo ao Discord oficial do Battlefield Brasil.
?? Welcome to Battlefield Brazil Official Discord.
Invite: https://discord.gg/YUAkpKM ou https://discord.me/bfbr
Blog: https://battlefieldbr.com
Server do Discord voltado aos jogos do Battlefield, resolvi criar esse Discord para que vários jogadores, não apenas brasileiros, se sintam a vontade para entrar e jogar juntos (:
Bienvenue sur le serveur battlefield : Francophone ou se regroupe une communauté active de joueurs battlefield , Serveur discord crée le 06/12/2024 par un groupe d'amis passionnée de la licence battlefield .
AUS / NZ gaming community focused on first person shooters such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, Valorant and others. Come join us if you live in Australia and/or New Zealand for team focused gameplay and good laughs. We don't take ourselves too seriously and just looking for a great bunch of like minded people for gaming fun.
- Eine entspannte und freundliche Gemeinschaft
- Immer die neuesten News, Videos und Streams rund um Battlefield V
- Spielersuche für diverse Spielmodi
- Selbst gestaltbare Räume
- Cat-content!!!
- Nur Spieler über 18 Jahren
ERO SQUAD c'est la section BATTLEFIELD des PANIC WARRIORS ?, une multigaming Franco-Belge avec des vrais morceaux de bordel et de bière ?? dedans !
En attendant que BATTLEFIELD 2042 arrive, on continue BFV et on cherche des joueurs avec un niveau correct pour partir ensemble poncer les serveurs.
RU Discord для поиска команды в Battlefield 2042 ( Hazard Zone ), Battlefield V ( 5 ), Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, BATTLEFIELD 3 и тд. У нас лучший СНГ Дискорд сервер по играм серии Бателфилд.
deutscher Battlefield 2042 Discord Server
Schaut noch heute bei der deutschen Battlefield 2042 Discord Community vorbei.
Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Du bist noch auf der Suche? Dann tritt der deutschen Battlefield 2042 Community mit einem Discord vorbei
The Next Era is a Battlefield community, and most of us have been playing the game almost since its launch. From Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, Battlefield Vietnam, BF:Bad Company 1 & 2, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, to the next Battlefield 2042 game that we are very excited and proud to join.