DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Battlefield 2042 Icon
Gaming | Community
Within this server, you're invited to engage in discussions with fellow enthusiastic players, converse in voice channels, form squads, and participate in our Community events. Feel free to delve into all topics related to BF2042 and Delta Force. Our primary goal is to ensure that everyone has a rewarding experience. Take a moment to explore and enjoy your stay here! Additionally, this server serves as a hub for news from both official and third-party sources, ensuring you're always up to date!
Panic Warriors | PW Icon
ERO SQUAD c'est la section BATTLEFIELD des PANIC WARRIORS ?, une multigaming Franco-Belge avec des vrais morceaux de bordel et de bière ?? dedans ! En attendant que BATTLEFIELD 2042 arrive, on continue BFV et on cherche des joueurs avec un niveau correct pour partir ensemble poncer les serveurs.
Battlefield 2042 France Icon
Gaming | Community
Bienvenue camarade ! Notre discord à pour but de réunir la communauté francophone Battlefield, serveur actif, bonne ambiance. De nombreux grades mis en place pour l'ancienneté de nos membres. Rejoins nous dès maintenant !
Comunidade Battlefield Brasil Icon
Gaming | Community
Server do Discord voltado aos jogos do Battlefield, resolvi criar esse Discord para que vários jogadores, não apenas brasileiros, se sintam a vontade para entrar e jogar juntos (:
BATTLEFIELD 2042 Blake Company Icon
Gaming | Community
Bonjour / Bonsoir à tous ! Pour commencer moi c'est William 22 ans. Je suis un grand Fan de la licence Battelfield, Sur d'autres jeux j'ai souvent eu l'expérience de gérer différents Clan / groupes. Il y a maintenant 4 ans avec quelques amis nous avons créé un Discord Communautaire dans le but de regrouper des joueurs 18+ et d'avoir une ambiance conviviale sur plusieurs jeux. C'est pourquoi, à l'aide de notre communauté, nous avons décidé de créer une équipe / un regroupement de joueurs sur BF2042. Si on trouve assez de monde on fera sûrement un serveur dédié Battlefield Portal avec les suggestions de notre communauté Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Nous cherchons autant des joueurs Chill que des joueurs TryHard. Des joueurs des modes classiques mais aussi des aventuriers voulant poncer le mode Hazard Zone ! EXCELLENTE DECOUVERTE A TOUS Si vous êtes intéressés : https://discord.gg/TfaS6eMYnV
Battlefield:Francophone Icon
Gaming | eSports
Bienvenue sur le serveur battlefield : Francophone ou se regroupe une communauté active de joueurs battlefield , Serveur discord crée le 06/12/2024 par un groupe d'amis passionnée de la licence battlefield .
Games Geral Icon
Gaming | Community
Sejam Todos Bem Vindos ao servidor de games - Servidor novo com intuito de um dia ser grande conquistar novos players e amigos! - Ajudar a todos ter uma boa comunicação - Duvidas sugestões estou à disposição - Vagas para a Staff AGRADEÇO PELA SUA ENTRADA AO SERVIDOR BEM VINDO!
Free The Balls Icon
Gaming | eSports
FREE THE BALLS * We are a cancer (testicular cancer) gaming community. Hop in and have some fun with us. We aren't just your average joes! Free Em . Feel Em . Check Em. JOIN US TODAY (16+)! Games We Play CS:GO COD (all) Battlefield 2042 and more!
Flemish Gamerz Icon
Gaming | Social
Nieuwe server voor gamers uit vlaanderen. Games: warzone, battlefield, csgo enz Kom gerust eens langs, welkom vanaf 18 jaar.
Battlefield 2042  Germany Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
- Eine entspannte und freundliche Gemeinschaft - Immer die neuesten News, Videos und Streams rund um Battlefield V - Spielersuche für diverse Spielmodi - Selbst gestaltbare Räume - Cat-content!!! - Nur Spieler über 18 Jahren
[RVLT] TeamRevolt Icon
Gaming | eSports
AUS / NZ gaming community focused on first person shooters such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, Valorant and others. Come join us if you live in Australia and/or New Zealand for team focused gameplay and good laughs. We don't take ourselves too seriously and just looking for a great bunch of like minded people for gaming fun.
HBR Milsim Icon
Gaming | Community
This is the HBR MilSim, we are a community that are dedicated to Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite and Rainbow Six Siege. The server is run in a military fashion but more relaxed. We aim to build a community to have fun and find active people to play with. Join us if you wish to find like-minded people to play with and have a place within our close community! :)
Palios - New Folks Icon
Social | Community | Hobbies
We are a SFW social/hangout server focused on building new friendships. Join us to watch movies, play games, or just chat with the regulars
Palios - New Folks Discord Server Banner
Palios - New Folks Icon
Social | Community | Hobbies
We are a SFW social/hangout server focused on building new friendships. Join us to watch movies, play games, or just chat with the regulars
Clan MeX Icon
Gaming | Community
Comunidad PC gamer de Mexico www.clanmex.net son bienvenidos Battelfied 2042, call of duty, age of empires
Battlefield Brasil Icon
Gaming | Community
?? Bem Vindo ao Discord oficial do Battlefield Brasil. ?? Welcome to Battlefield Brazil Official Discord. Invite: https://discord.gg/YUAkpKM ou https://discord.me/bfbr Blog: https://battlefieldbr.com
Knipsy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
A place for gamers to come hang out with other gamers who love having a good time doing what they love. Come learn how to be a better streamer, gamer, or to teach others. We would love to have you.
Battlefield Russia Icon
Gaming | Community
RU Discord для поиска команды в Battlefield 2042 ( Hazard Zone ), Battlefield V ( 5 ), Battlefield 1, Battlefield 4, BATTLEFIELD 3 и тд. У нас лучший СНГ Дискорд сервер по играм серии Бателфилд.
[AE]Air Empire Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to |AE| AIR EMPIRE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Сообщество Топ Пилотов и Ганнеров России, и Европы! Здесь вы можете подружиться и играть с приятными людьми. Community of Pilots and Top Gunners of Russia and Europe! Here you can make a friends and play with nice people. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord: https://discord.gg/QhXdNjsXfv AE сообщество/ AE Platoon: https://bit.ly/3KBKll7 Наш сервер/ Our Server: https://bit.ly/3rOccbf Страница статистики / Stats page: https://stats.xlgames.pro/air_empire VK: https://vk.link/aairempiree Донат / Donate: https://bit.ly/34OXVSQ, https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/A13V ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Apex Infantry eSports Icon
Gaming | eSports
ApeX | Infantry eSports TEAM Founder : NiceDemon Join us !!! Battlefield Infantry TEAM !
Battlefield Next - DEUTSCH Icon
Gaming | Community
deutscher Battlefield 2042 Discord Server Schaut noch heute bei der deutschen Battlefield 2042 Discord Community vorbei. Wir freuen uns auf dich! Du bist noch auf der Suche? Dann tritt der deutschen Battlefield 2042 Community mit einem Discord vorbei
SinCorp Academy Icon
Notre serveur organise des parties personnalisées sur Valorant plusieurs fois par semaine. Ces parties sont streamées, commentées et coachées sur Twitch. Un système de rôles nous permet de catégoriser les rangs et les types de champions ce qui nous permet d'équilibrer les parties. Notre système de rôles nous permet également de catégoriser les jeux et vous pourrez ainsi, sur notre serveur, trouver des teamates Valorant, CS2, LOL, Minecraft, Fortinite, Rocket League, Overwatch, Call of Duty, Battlefield, The Finals etc. • Serveur communautaire boosté niveau 3. • Qualité de stream 1080p60 et audio 384kbs. • Création de canaux personnalisés publiques ou privés. • Canal de support et de candidatures, on cherche des specs Valorant entre autres.
Squad Rendezvous Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Squad Rendezvous! Join our vibrant gaming community for epic adventures and multiplayer mayhem. Whether you're into FPS, RPGs, or strategy games, find your squad here and conquer virtual realms together. Get ready to team up, chat, and level up with fellow gamers in our friendly and active community!
fx | [̲̅f]un + e[̲̅x]plosives Icon
Gaming | Community
Battlefield 2042 Server und Clan fx | [̲̅f]un + e[̲̅x]plosives ✔️ Ü18-Teamplay steht bei uns im Vordergrund ✔️ PC + Crossplay (Xbox Series und PS5) ✔️ Lockerer und freundlicher Umgang miteinander ✔️ Keine Anwesenheits- oder Teilnahmepflichten ✔️ Mic on und eine gute Zeit haben 🥦 https://discord.gg/ZzDtE6j6t4
Battlefield 2042 Brasil Icon
Fique por dentro de todas as novidades! Battlefield 2042 Brasil discord server. Venha jogar conosco após seu lançamento.
Wolfhöhle Icon
Gaming | Community
> Eine offene Community in der viele nette & aktive Mitglieder eine Art "zweites Zuhause" finden konnten und in Zukunft auch werden! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Was wir bieten: > `?` • übersichtliche Kanäle. > `?️` • aktiver Server & Besitzer! > `?` • nettes & kompetentes Server-Team! > `?` • ein haufen an tollen Server Emojis! > `?` • finde neue Freunde! > `?` • unterhalte dich mit anderen über RDW oder auch gerne andere Themen! Trete unten über die Server-Einladung, dem Server bei und überzeuge dich selbst! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Was wir suchen: > `?` • DICH, egal wer du bist, egal was du mit dir bringst! > `?` • weitere nette & aktive Mitglieder > `⚘️` • Server Promoter > `?` • Server Booster > `?` • Server Partner ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
All Toasters Toast Toast Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
All Toasters Toast Toast Discord Server Banner
All Toasters Toast Toast Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
Battlefield Slovenija Icon
Gaming | Technology
Battlefield Slovenski igralci dobrodosli, najdite svoj team in skupaj premagajte izive na poti do zmage.
All Things Battlefield (ATB) Icon
Community | PC
Friendly Battlefield Community where great friendships are made! Ages range from 21-45, older crowd, chill gaming lobbies, active members, weekly events. Server started about 3 years ago, tight knit community. Looking for Mods and creatives to help build the server!