Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Battlefield 2042 Icon
Gaming | Community
Within this server, you're invited to engage in discussions with fellow enthusiastic players, converse in voice channels, form squads, and participate in our Community events. Feel free to delve into all topics related to BF2042. Our primary goal is to ensure that everyone has a rewarding experience. Take a moment to explore and enjoy your stay here! Additionally, this server serves as a hub for news from both official and third-party sources, ensuring you're always up to date!
Battlefield Brasil Icon
Gaming | Social
Battlefield é uma série de jogos eletrônicos da Electronic Arts em parceria com a DICE que teve início em 2002.
Panic Warriors | PW Icon
ERO SQUAD c'est la section BATTLEFIELD des PANIC WARRIORS ?, une multigaming Franco-Belge avec des vrais morceaux de bordel et de bière ?? dedans ! En attendant que BATTLEFIELD 2042 arrive, on continue BFV et on cherche des joueurs avec un niveau correct pour partir ensemble poncer les serveurs.
BATTLEFIELD 2042 Blake Company Icon
Gaming | Community
Bonjour / Bonsoir à tous ! Pour commencer moi c'est William 22 ans. Je suis un grand Fan de la licence Battelfield, Sur d'autres jeux j'ai souvent eu l'expérience de gérer différents Clan / groupes. Il y a maintenant 4 ans avec quelques amis nous avons créé un Discord Communautaire dans le but de regrouper des joueurs 18+ et d'avoir une ambiance conviviale sur plusieurs jeux. C'est pourquoi, à l'aide de notre communauté, nous avons décidé de créer une équipe / un regroupement de joueurs sur BF2042. Si on trouve assez de monde on fera sûrement un serveur dédié Battlefield Portal avec les suggestions de notre communauté Il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Nous cherchons autant des joueurs Chill que des joueurs TryHard. Des joueurs des modes classiques mais aussi des aventuriers voulant poncer le mode Hazard Zone ! EXCELLENTE DECOUVERTE A TOUS Si vous êtes intéressés :
BF2042 Community Hub Icon
Community | eSports
We are a community of gamers who value character, honour, and professionalism—BF2042 Community Hub was established in October 2021. Having a Hub server where teams can meet and exchange contact details match-up recruitment and self-promotin if you are a BF2042 player any platform your welcome Here.
Battlefield 2042  Germany Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
- Eine entspannte und freundliche Gemeinschaft - Immer die neuesten News, Videos und Streams rund um Battlefield V - Spielersuche für diverse Spielmodi - Selbst gestaltbare Räume - Cat-content!!! - Nur Spieler über 18 Jahren
[RVLT] TeamRevolt Icon
Gaming | eSports
AUS / NZ gaming community focused on first person shooters such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, Valorant and others. Come join us if you live in Australia and/or New Zealand for team focused gameplay and good laughs. We don't take ourselves too seriously and just looking for a great bunch of like minded people for gaming fun.
PlayStation Community Icon
Gaming | Community
A relaxed and chill server to meet fellow gamers and have some fun. We are a nice bunch and usually play every evening. We may be on the smaller side, but the server is very well put together, supported by active members that care. We also do holiday giveaways! Right now, our most popular games are: BFV 2042 Back 4 Blood Deep Rock GTA Minecraft Want to add your own favorite game to play? Just let us know and we will make a channel. Hope to see you soon!
Gay Dating Icon
LGBT | Social
Hey, this server is you can find your lover and have fun no porn here but you can get your lover here hope you enjoy!
Global United Forces Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to GUF, a powerhouse of gaming enthusiasts who have joined forces to create unforgettable gaming experiences. At GUF, we’re more than just a gaming community; we’re a family. Our Discord-based community brings together players from all around the globe, connecting gamers and fostering camaraderie like never before. Our well-organized website serves as a hub for news, events, and all things gaming-related. Explore a vibrant gaming community at GUF Gaming! - Enjoy weekly gaming events, raids, and Sherpa guides. - Progress and apply for staff roles. - Join our Level 3 Discord server with unlimited chat lobbies. - Support for content creators to monetize their work. - Shop custom merchandise online. Create your profile on our social website. - We prioritize positivity, respect, sportsmanship, and fair play. Join us at
Gray Zone & Escape From Tarkov Icon
Gaming | Community
Unsere Spieler sind zwischen 18 und ca. 50 Jahre alt. Entsprechend haben wir einen vernünftigen Umgangston, flamen nicht rum sondern haben Spaß beim Zocken.
fx | [̲̅f]un + e[̲̅x]plosives Icon
Gaming | Community
Battlefield 2042 Server und Clan fx | [̲̅f]un + e[̲̅x]plosives ✔️ Ü18-Teamplay steht bei uns im Vordergrund ✔️ PC + Crossplay (Xbox Series und PS5) ✔️ Lockerer und freundlicher Umgang miteinander ✔️ Keine Anwesenheits- oder Teilnahmepflichten ✔️ Mic on und eine gute Zeit haben 🥦
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Icon
LGBT | Community
Queerspace is a small 18+ SFW community of LGBTQ+ers and their allies. Our doors are open to people who just want a place to hang out, make friends and most importantly, have a laugh. Our goal is to create a fun, safe and vibrant community. Feel free to chat about anything that interests you, tell us about your day or just share something that makes you giggle. We try and have either a gaming or movie night at least once a week. However, if our numbers increase, we'd be able to host these more frequently, so come suggest something to play/watch with us!
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
QueerSpace(18+ SFW) Icon
LGBT | Community
Queerspace is a small 18+ SFW community of LGBTQ+ers and their allies. Our doors are open to people who just want a place to hang out, make friends and most importantly, have a laugh. Our goal is to create a fun, safe and vibrant community. Feel free to chat about anything that interests you, tell us about your day or just share something that makes you giggle. We try and have either a gaming or movie night at least once a week. However, if our numbers increase, we'd be able to host these more frequently, so come suggest something to play/watch with us!
Battlefield Slovenija Icon
Gaming | Technology
Battlefield Slovenski igralci dobrodosli, najdite svoj team in skupaj premagajte izive na poti do zmage.