We are recruiting! Please join our clan!

Welcome to the Barbarian King Clan! We are thrilled to have you join the Barbarian King clan, founded by Barbarian King (pogarth on Discord) and managed by Rusty (rustybus on Discord). Our community thrives on activity, fun, and mutual respect, and we’re excited for you to be a part of it!

Clan Rules and Guidelines To ensure a positive and productive environment, we have a few guidelines to follow:

Activity and Participation:

Be active and participate in clan activities. Follow the clan rules to maintain harmony and fun for everyone. Demotion/Kick Rules:

War Participation: Missing 3 out of 5 wars may result in a kick. Inactivity: Being inactive for more than a week can lead to a kick. Respect: Disrespectful behavior in chat can result in a kick or demotion. Co-Leaders will decide the best course of action. Clan Games: Not contributing at least 1000 points during clan games can lead to a kick or demotion. Raid Weekends: Not participating in at least 2 out of 4 raid weekends can result in a kick or demotion. Promotion Rules:

Co-Leader Requirements: Must have Discord for discussions regarding rules and members. Elder Status: Given to members who regularly participate in wars. Promotion Considerations: After each Clan War League (CLW), Co-Leaders will discuss suggestions for promotion/demotion. Each Co-Leader contributes to helping the clan run smoothly. We value every member's contribution and strive to create a friendly and supportive environment. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to any of the Co-Leaders.

Let’s work together to make the Barbarian King clan the best it can be!

Happy Clashing!