Bot | Social
Hunt animals and fight with other players, you can raise animals to become the best 🐘🐅🦧
💸 Economy : daily, work, cash, balance, give, bank, withdraw, deposit
🐣 Animals : zoo, hunt, sell, sacrifice, battle, inv, autohunt, dex, addweapon, equip, lootbox, crates
🎰 Gambling : coinflip, lottery, blackjack, slots
🎣 Fun : 8b, roll, choose, curse, pray, ship, marry, profile, avatar
🤗 Actions : cuddle, hug, kiss, lick, nom, pat, poke, slap, stare, highfive, bite, greet, punch, handholding, tickle, kill, hold, pats, wave, boop, snuggle, bully
🔧 Utility : ping, stats, help, uptime, invite, support, suggest