Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Don't AskToAsk Bot Icon
Education | Community
An Ai Powered Bot That Classifies "AskToAsk" Questions And Prompts The User With Instructions on How to Formulate a Correct Question. A Discord Bot that promotes better communication etiquette in discord forums: Don't Ask to Ask Bot! 🤖 Are you tired of seeing messages like "Any experts around?" cluttering your chat rooms? Our bot encourages users to ask their questions directly, without the unnecessary preamble of asking permission to ask. By promoting clear and direct communication, our bot fosters a more efficient and welcoming environment for everyone. Features: 🔹 Only responds to newcomers. 🔹 Automatically detects and prompts users who ask 'AskToAsk' questions. 🔹 Provides friendly reminders on how to formulate questions effectively. 🔹 Helps streamline communication and encourages users to dive straight into problem-solving. Inspired by (https://dontasktoask.com/) bot repo (https://github.com/ahabz/DontAskToAsk-bot)