Public Discord Bots tagged with Hog Bot

Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Yuki Bot Icon
Anime | Gaming
STABLE and easy-to-use bot • meme-shows you an anime meme | snipping-snipes last deleted message | AFK-tells users who mentions you that you're AFK! | server info-info of the server | cat-this command sends CAT | bully-you can bully someone with this command | hug-you can hug someone with this command | punch-you can punch someone with this command | kill-you can kill someone with this command | kiss-you can kiss someone with this command | pat-you can pat someone with this command | whois-information of a user | avatar-avatar of a user