PinkPost Icon
Trading | Entertainment | Financial
PinkPost is a leading Stock Trading & OTC Market + Crypto bot for discord servers to chart OTC stocks & find float, volume, price, filing, and financial data across the OTC Markets community.
PinkPost Discord Server Banner
PinkPost Discord Server Banner
PinkPost Icon
Trading | Entertainment | Financial
PinkPost is a leading Stock Trading & OTC Market + Crypto bot for discord servers to chart OTC stocks & find float, volume, price, filing, and financial data across the OTC Markets community.
Rss feed manager Icon
Bot | Community
This is a Rss feed manager, there's no limit on the ammount of feeds. To add a feed you just have to type /addfeed {feed name} {feed url} in the channel where you want the feed to be shown. To move a feed you type /movefeed {feed name} in the channel where you want the feed to be moved to. To remove a feed type /removefeed {feed name}. If you need to get the list of your feeds type /listfeeds . If you want any custom modifications or face an issue don’t hesitate to contact me on discord Octopusman388#5719 You find the bot useful ? Then you can buy me a coffee if you want