New commands including; pussy, ass, thigh, boobs, porngif, fourk, anal, gonewild. In futuristic updates there will be new soundboard effects + donator perks.
This bot has multiple features including coconut malling (also in earrape version), image generation, misc, and moderation.
**Commands for moderation purposes.**
**Misc commands (they're random)**
`randomhex`, `serverinfo`, `meme`, `dankmeme`, `dogmeme`, `catmeme`, `av`, `chucknorrisjoke`, `dadjoke`
**Lol you should definitely check these image generations out.**
`gae`, `delete`, `triggered`, `mistake`,
New commands including; pussy, ass, thigh, boobs, porngif, fourk, anal, gonewild. In futuristic updates there will be new soundboard effects + donator perks.
I've added misc, and image generation for coconut maller so you can troll your friends and see the sevrer information + a lot of memes.