Sideline sports is a community focused on bringing people together to discuss various topics that are equally as passionate about sports, meet new friends that share the same love for football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer and everything else in between. We also have VIP channels where you can buy, sell, or trade various items such as sports cards and sports memorabilia.
Server je namenjen ljudima koji često provode vreme u prirodi i kampuju u Srbiji.Nakon nekoliko godina kampovanja našoj grupi je ponestalo ideja i novih mesta za obilazak, tako da smo odlučili da skupimo kampere na jedno mesto gde možemo da podelimo naše i čujemo druge predloge i utiske o mestima koje smo posetili, kako smo se tamo proveli i koju smo opremu koristili. Pravila ne postoje, sve slike/video snimci/tekstovi su dozvoljeni. Svi su dobrodošli! This server is meant for people who spend more time camping in Serbia. During these past few years, our group ran out of good camping trips and ideas, so we decided to gather our campers in one place so we can all share and hear out other peoples experiences about places we have visited and what gear we used. All videos and pictures about camping are allowed, no rules.
All are welcome!
Skaters from IL. New, Pro, Advanced, you can meet up with the members if you want, or just use this server for some skater friends. Hope to see you in my server!
*Partnered with Discord*
Chat with people from around the world in the largest Fishing and Outdoors server.
- 2.5k+ members!
- Many channels!
- Self-Assign Roles & Custom Roles!
- Monthly competitions!
What are you waiting for? Come check it out!
Airsoft Romania este primul server de discord al airsoft-ului din Romania. Aici vei gasi oameni pasionati de armata si de arme si te vei distra alaturi de noi.
This Discord server is for all things related to tricking, including but not limited to flips, kicks, parkour, gymnastics, martial arts, trampoline, tumbling, flexibility, strength and conditioning, injury prevention, exercise, and more.