Tic Tac Toe and Rock Paper Scissors have been added! Commands are /tic-tac-toe @opponent and /rock-paper-scissors @opponent
More games are coming soon!!
Game Bot
A discord bot to play numerous amount of games in. Board nothing to do while talking to your friends in your Discord server? Game Bot will fix that!
- Connect Four
- Guess a Number
- Quiz Game
- /help - Brings you to Github Readme
- /connect-four @opponent - Starts a connect four game with @opponent
- /guess number - Starts a Guess a Number game with number amount of tries
- /quiz number - Starts a Quiz Game with number amount of questions
Tic Tac Toe and Rock Paper Scissors have been added! Commands are /tic-tac-toe @opponent and /rock-paper-scissors @opponent
More games are coming soon!!