Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Pixel planet Central Icon
This is the brand new pixel planet project to finally create a pixel planet economy and private property for everyone to enjoy! Since we haven't expanded yet, there is an event to earn money easily to get your own private property and land when we expand enough. Join now to not miss the chance!
CapitalismVSocialism Icon
Education | Community
A server for discussions of capitalism vs. socialism. Don’t join if you haven’t read any philosophical theory behind either economic systems.
Kingdom of capitalist Icon
Financial | Investing
This server is something different. This server is about all the different types of ways you can make money This can include Selling Nword passes, War dogs profitting off of war Or it can be something simple as fuck like draining up local water plants in Africa Or dumping oil into the water the choice is urs
Libertarianism Icon
Political | Education
A high quality server dedicated to the discussion and debate of Libertarianism and free market economics. Join today!
Ideological Manipulations Icon
Political | Beliefs
Ideologies such as Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, &c. Government conspiracy and corruption. Social manipulatons. May contain Satirical Content. What do the illuminati care anyways? Who's to say I'm not one of them?
Political Debate Group Icon
Hello people! Do you like politics? Of course, you do! Why else would you be here? Anyway, I have just the place for you! We have debates, discussions, arguments, and more synonyms for debates! Welcome to the Political Debate Group. We're a server made so people from all ideologies, across the compass, can discuss their different ideals and opinions. We're open to Marxists, capitalists, conservatives, anarchists, and even liberals... if you don't cause any trouble that is. We don't tolerate any discrimination in our main channels, and we ask you to keep it respectful in our debate channels. Slurs are never allowed, so this server is safe to all. We're trying to create an active community that loves and supports each other. I certainly love and support everyone. Does this server seem good for you? Then Welcome to the P-D-G!
AnCap Empire Icon
Business | Political
This sever acts as a marketplace for anything and everything, we have little regulation and believe in the free market! Join us if you wish to get hired or hire someone for freelance work, we do train interns who often get employment opportunities. Join now and advance your political or financial agenda