Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Ooze Icon
Political | Education
Safe for work, civil, and open minded. The server goal is to provide a place where everyone can come together to propose their ideas, debate others, and grow in our understanding
Communist Internet Safe Haven Icon
Political | Community
The Communist Internet Safe Haven (CISH) is a Communist group that seeks to create a safe haven for Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Democratic Socialists, Tankies, and everyone who fall into these categories online, without the risks of metting anti-communists, anti-socialists, anti-Marxists, anti-tankies, anti-leftists, and/or getting banned just for disagreeing with Ukraine, the US, the EU, NATO, NAFO, Israel, Kosovo, Taiwan, South Korea, Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and the like. We are also seeking to create an Internet space for socialists and communists to cope online due the high pression that is to be a socialist/communist and anti-US/EU/NATO/NAFO/Ukraine online. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, Otherkin-Therian friendly, Divinekin friendly, Religion friendly, Spirituality friendly, and so on.
NA Socialist Alliance Icon
Beliefs | Community
Our organization aims to promote Socialist views in North Atlantic countries (Europe and North America), and trying to end far-right threat among North Atlantic's politics. We also aim to build a socialist alliance of Socialist servers over all North Atlantic countries as well.
AntiAntiComAction Icon
Political | Community
The Anti-Anti-Communist Action (also AntiAntiCom Action) is an Anti-Anti-Communist Organization and a left-wing to radical left organization based on the Imperial Core (North America and Europe) and on Latin America, that is basically a socialist and communist response of the Anti-Communist Action. Our primary goal is to dunk anti-communists from a Communist perspective, as well as build a strong Socialist and Communist community online and in real life, and enable the construction of socialism and communism on the regions where the Imperial Core and Latin America are located. We stand for LGBTQIA+, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Plural-System, Endogenic, Furry, BIPOC, Theism, and so on. We also stand for World Communism and for the Socialist World Republic and the Socialist World Federation. From the North Pole to the South Pole, the workers and the peoples of the Planet Earth will be free!
CapitalismVSocialism Icon
Education | Community
A server for discussions of capitalism vs. socialism. Don’t join if you haven’t read any philosophical theory behind either economic systems.
The 12th Type Icon
Political | Social
At the 12th Type we got: ⭐️High Quality Marxist Discussion from a Decolonial Perspective⭐️ ⭐️Cool mods who won't ban you for posting memes in the general chat⭐️ ⭐️Healthy LGBT/feminist community with PoC admins⭐️ ⭐️Broad Marxist-Leninist Userbase⭐️ ⭐️Quick and Easy Vetting!⭐️ ⭐️swag⭐️
Candralica Icon
Political | Community
We are a Micronation for the masses! All are welcome, no matter what. - Come to us to make new comrades - Run for office - Participate in Government We are a Marxist server dedicated to the furthering of our revolutionary goals. All people are welcome to our ranks. There is no age requirement, we just ask you remain mature. WE ARE CURRENTLY NATION-BUILDING- This means that we have many positions to fill in order to populate our server. I guarantee we will have a spot for you. Workers of the world unite- you have nothing to lose but your chains! - Karl Marx
Autism Alliance Icon
Community | Political
Autism Alliance is a server for discussing and learning about Autism and Leftism! 🏳️‍🌈
Peoples Republic of Proletarians Icon
Education | Entertainment
This community is a hub for left-wing news and media, dedicated to truth-seeking and dissemination for the masses.
Communist Library Icon
Political | Education
If the invite for the server on the website doesnt work, use this one:
Workers' Union Icon
Political | LGBT
☭ⒶStep into a haven of leftism at Workers' Union! Our Discord sanctuary is a vibrant space where leftists converge for impassioned discussions, shared activism, and a celebration of our shared values. Leftists of all hues, unite and let your ideals flourish!☭Ⓐ 🤝 Leftist Solidarity: Whether you're a seasoned leftist or just discovering your political leanings, join us to connect with kindred spirits. Engage in thought-provoking dialogues that challenge norms and inspire action. 🌍 Progressive Platform: This isn't just a Discord server; it's a launchpad for progressive change. Share your radical ideas, stay informed on leftist causes, and collaborate on initiatives that actively shape a more just and equal world. 🔗 Collective Strength: Forge alliances with fellow leftists and contribute to the collective power of the Workers' Union. From grassroots activism to nuanced discussions, every voice here shapes the narrative of a leftist future.
United Marxist Pact Icon
Political | Education
Greetings from the __**?????? ??????? ℙ???**__! We are a growing principally **Marxist-Leninist **server with a collection of useful resources and community items! :books: - While primarily a Theory and Resource server, we also host Discussions, Memes, Classrooms, News, History, loads of general chat! :earth_africa: - International server with people from all over, though English is the major language :scales: - An active moderation team working to keep the peace and remove toxicity and have productive conversations :rainbow_flag: - Intersectionality is Marxist Dialectical Materialism applied to the social systems in conjunction with class! Bigotry and toxicity are not allowed, and our community is accepting of those from all races, sexualities, genders, etc!! :100: - Very active and dedicated community While Marxism-Leninism is our main ideological bent, all non-social-reactionaries that are willing to learn and be respectable are welcome. Join the United Marxist
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
The Color Palette Discord Server Banner
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
Sasha's Dominion Icon
Political | Beliefs
This is a server for humble revolutionaries of the working class, of all and any ideologies, to discuss and promote the highly important and culturally relevant ideas of marxism, marxist subtheories, and communism in general, with a focus on culling cultural and political facism from modern day society. If this sounds appealing to you, then ☭⭐Join us, fellow comrades!⭐☭ ⭐ LGBTQIA+ friendly ⭐ Anti-bigotry ⭐ Anti-religion ⭐ Anti-Isreal
Leftist Centre Icon
Community | Political
Welcome to Leftist Centre! We are a friendly leftist community for people seeking like minded people to hang out and talk with. We are open to people of diverse identities and leftist political tendencies.
Red Guard Icon
Political | Community
Red Guard is a communist Discord server. Its core ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism but we accept people from all political backgrounds. We have a great library of theory and resources, we have debates, world news, a welcoming community, facts and history, info on upcoming events and demonstrations, an international chat, and much more!
Indirect Action Icon
Political | Community
A communist server mainly aimed at people from Oceania/Asia-Pacific. We talk politics, political economy, philosophy, etc. Mainly communist and marxist stuff. Join if you want to learn about communism and marxism or just want to chat.
Radical Cybernetics Unit Icon
Political | Technology
We're a server for people interested in Cybernetics theory and system management, specifically with how it relates to Communism and other radical politics. We also discuss cyberpunk, solarpunk, and political economy. Relatively relaxed, serious discussions for radicals of most kinds. “Every time we hear that a proposal will destroy society as we know it, we should have the courage to say: ‘Thank God; at last.’” [Designing Freedom, p. 33]