ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
United Tankie Front Icon
Political | Community
"So left, two, three! So left, two, three! To the work that we must do. March on in the United Tankie Front, for you are a tankie too!" Discord server focused on tankie unity and on uniting tankies from the world wide against left anti-communism (also left McCarthyism) and against anti-tankieism (also anti-tankie McCharthyism). And also focused on dunking anti-tankies from a tankie perspective. Left anti-communists and anti-communists are equally satirized.
Tankie Pride Worldwide Icon
Political | Community
The Tankie Pride Worldwide is a Discord server focused on unite Tankies (including Marxist-Leninists, Bolsheviks, Bolshevik Leninists, Trotskyists, BRICS Communists, Soviet Restorationists, USSR 2.0 supporters, RSFSR 2.0 supporters, Ukrainian SSR 2.0 supporters, Comintern 2.0 supporters, World Socialist Republic supporters, World Communists, Tankie Democrats (Tankie Democracy supporters), Liberation Theologists, Revolutionary Socialists, PTs Socialist Democrats (PT's Socialist Democracy supporters), Ultravisionary Socialists, State Socialists, Third World Communists, Left-Nationalists, National Liberationists, Land Back Nationalists, Jucheists, and so on) from the worldwide in a single place in order to show everyone Tankies are proud of who they are and also focused on turn the Tankie Pride Worldwide movement into a thing as well. We are LGBTQIA+-friendly, BIPOC-friendly, Otherkin/Therian/Godkin/Divinekin-friendly, System/Plural/Endogenic-friendly, Minority-friendly, Pagan-friendly, J
True ML Revival Icon
Political | Community
We are a true Marxist-Leninist Discord server focused on revive Marxism-Leninism to the 21st Century and to the 2020s and to the next decades to come. We are a server only for Marxist-Leninists, Socialists, and Communists. No radlibs, soclibs, socdems, fascists, right-wingers, neoliberals, ancaps, and the like are welcome here. We fully stand for LGBTQIA+ rights, BIPOC rights, Otherkin-Therian-Plural-System-Endogenic-Divinekin-Mythical-Supernatural-Starseed-Medium-Psychic rights, and for religious pluralism and for spiritual pluralism and divine pluralism. We seek to revive true Marxism-Leninism for the 21st Century and for the 2020s and next decades to come, mainly focused on Soviet/Council Democracy, Socialist Democracy, People's Democracy, Worker's Democracy, People's Self-Determination, World Revolution, World Communism, Cooperative Ownership, Collectivized Agriculture, Left-Technocracy, Left-Scientocracy, and so on.
Communist Internet Safe Haven Icon
Political | Community
The Communist Internet Safe Haven (CISH) is a Communist group that seeks to create a safe haven for Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Democratic Socialists, Tankies, and everyone who fall into these categories online, without the risks of metting anti-communists, anti-socialists, anti-Marxists, anti-tankies, anti-leftists, and/or getting banned just for disagreeing with Ukraine, the US, the EU, NATO, NAFO, Israel, Kosovo, Taiwan, South Korea, Capitalism, Neoliberalism, and the like. We are also seeking to create an Internet space for socialists and communists to cope online due the high pression that is to be a socialist/communist and anti-US/EU/NATO/NAFO/Ukraine online. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, BIPOC friendly, Otherkin-Therian friendly, Divinekin friendly, Religion friendly, Spirituality friendly, and so on.
Pro-Communist Action Icon
Political | Social
Sick server for marxist-leninist-maoists. It will be further developed as we have more people join. 🚩🏴
Pagan Communist Pact 2.0 Icon
Beliefs | Political
The Pagan Communist Pact 2.0 is the actual communist successor of the former Pagan Communist Pact Discord server, we are a space for Pagan Socialists, Pagan Communists, and Pagan Tankies who are tired of Neoliberal Paganism, of Neoliberal New Age stuff, Anti-Tankie Paganism, and of Antitheist Socialism/Communism. We also support Pagan Liberation Theology on its core and we advocate for Pagan-Unity and Communist-Unity. All Communists and Pagans are welcome here, as long as both are respectful to each other. We are LGBTQIA+, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Starseed, Plural-System, and Endogenic friendly. From the North Pole to the South Pole, the workers of the planet Earth will be free!
AntiAntiComAction Icon
Beliefs | Community
The Anti-Anti-Communist Action (also AntiAntiCom Action) is an Anti-Anti-Communist Organization and a left-wing to radical left organization based on the Imperial Core (North America and Europe) and on Latin America, that is basically a socialist and communist response of the Anti-Communist Action. Our primary goal is to dunk anti-communists from a Communist perspective, as well as build a strong Socialist and Communist community online and in real life, and enable the construction of socialism and communism on the regions where the Imperial Core and Latin America are located. We stand for LGBTQIA+, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Plural-System, Endogenic, Furry, BIPOC, Theism, and so on. We also stand for World Communism and for the Socialist World Republic and the Socialist World Federation. From the North Pole to the South Pole, the workers and the peoples of the Planet Earth will be free!
AntiAntiComAction Icon
Political | Community
The Anti-Anti-Communist Action (also AntiAntiCom Action) is an Anti-Anti-Communist Organization and a left-wing to radical left organization based on the Imperial Core (North America and Europe) and on Latin America, that is basically a socialist and communist response of the Anti-Communist Action. Our primary goal is to dunk anti-communists from a Communist perspective, as well as build a strong Socialist and Communist community online and in real life, and enable the construction of socialism and communism on the regions where the Imperial Core and Latin America are located. We stand for LGBTQIA+, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Plural-System, Endogenic, Furry, BIPOC, Theism, and so on. We also stand for World Communism and for the Socialist World Republic and the Socialist World Federation. From the North Pole to the South Pole, the workers and the peoples of the Planet Earth will be free!
Westerners Of Conscience Icon
Political | Community
An inclusive Westerner community based on progressive, leftist, socialist, communist, anti-Zionist, and anti-NATO principles. Share news, discuss activism and ideas, and celebrate life. Allies welcome. As Westerner we include the Global North and Latin America. The Manifesto of Westerners of Conscience What to expect: 1- All truly leftist ideologies are welcome. 2- No infighting. Whether you are a Marxist Leninist, Syndicalist, etc, it is important to realize the bigger purpose here, which is realizing the toxicity of Western (particularly Anglo-American) political hegemony. 3- No reactionaries in Red aesthetics. No “Nato Communists”. No Nazbols. No Labor Zionists. This rule is clear. 4- No reactionary takes. Any endorsement of anti LGBT, misogynistic, racist, or religious extremist content, or use of Double Genocide Theory will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. 5- This will be a space for thought provoking discussions about the impact of western imperialism, and how to