ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
FO76 Casuals Icon
Gaming | Community
Our Casual server is dedicated to helping newcomers and relaxing within the game and without. Our community is focused on respect, helping each other, and enjoying the game despite bugs and hiccups. We have no NSFW channels because we understand that young Fallout fans need to have a safe space to hang out and learn about the game too! (We even welcome their parents!) We're LGBT-friendly, so don't be shy! We offer a safe, judgment-free space for everyone. With active Looking-For-Group and trade channels across all platforms, our members have little trouble clearing the game's more challenging events and getting their dream gear from friendly faces. Regardless of where you live, what you play on, or your level of experience, you can feel comfortable knowing that we respect and enjoy whatever variety you bring.
Portugal-Discord Icon
Gaming | Community
Olá, Habitantes! Quero dar-vos as boas-vindas à comunidade Portuguesa e à discórdia! Uma das maiores Comunidades crescentes em 2022 com um monte de novas características, Todos os jogadores de qualquer região / plataforma são bem-vindos! Foge do teu domicílio e encontra um amigo com quem possas sobreviver! convite https://discord.gg/aucFcF6Qmt
Fallout pix Icon
Community | Gaming
Fallout world on pixel game like pix map. We want to create the world of Fallout With the help of the community.
The Citadel Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to The Citadel, a Fallout-themed community hub, we have places to find groups for Fallout 76 and places to discuss and share creations in all the fallout games and many more, including CAMPS, Settlements, Workshops and screenshots.
Brotherhood Of Steel rp Icon
Gaming | Technology
Welcome citizens to the brotherhood of steel. Our intentions are for the preservation of technology to prevent technology going too far and causing another destruction of earth. Do you have what it takes to be in our ranks? Join our causes today! -Maxson
Virginian Militia of Light Icon
Gaming | Community
The Virginia militia of light is a fallout faction on all platforms centered around rebuilding Appalachia and helping everyone get the best out of the game. Join the militia today and join one of our four divisions, each with its own purpose!
Fallout 76 Icon
Gaming | Social
Fallout 76 discord has game discussion, game spoilers, camps, safe trading, finding teammates, and new players help. Come join us whether you're a veteran to fallout 76 or you haven't even downloaded the game yet and you just want to know more about the game. I hope to see you inside the vault soon.
Fallout Fun Time Icon
Gaming | Community
Just a server for fallout fans of all kinds to talk about the games, characters, headcanons, or anything else. Anybody can join! No gatekeeping here.
? |?| ? |? Icon
Gaming | Social
chill social & multigaming discord server. Self assignable roles, color roles, & a leveling system. Come hangout!
West Virginia Empire Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
We are a new multi-platform community based Fallout 76 faction. PVE & PVP roles with promotion style ranks. Standing army with war divisions, player shops with member discounted prices, server wide events & giveaways! Our goal is to become a base for player growth and development with active members who want the community to prosper.
Vault 666 Icon
Community | Gaming
We introduce you to our lovely Vault 666! We dedicate this server to the best franchise ever created, Fallout. Do you enjoy Fallout? Currently Fallout 76? Look at what we offer. - Information about the latest updates of the game! - Personal grind methods of our members! - Safe trading! (People that scam will be banned and added to the public blacklist with scammers) - Owner's of Fallout 76 markets that will give you stuff for free! - Custom Emoji's - Easy leveling
Fallout76 Heroes Community™ Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome fellow Survivors!!! Glad we all can meet on reclamation day and survive together!! Let us help the new Reclimationers and give them guidance and help them build and live so we can rebuild our once and always loved appalachia!!!
Baked Goods Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Streaming, gaming, overthinking.. come see for yourself. 600+ members and growing. Bring a cat video or your weirdest conspiracy theory. No judgment here. 18+, but we don't like disturbing content.
Baked Goods Discord Server Banner
Baked Goods Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Streaming, gaming, overthinking.. come see for yourself. 600+ members and growing. Bring a cat video or your weirdest conspiracy theory. No judgment here. 18+, but we don't like disturbing content.
Team Katyusha [TK] Icon
Gaming | Community
?️─☢️─☆{What We Offer}☆─☢️─?️ ☢️ - Help in all video games, our main games being COD, GTA, MC, & FO76. ☢️ - Working Casino and other built-in games ☢️ - Create your own newspapers ☢️ - Faction/Clan aid ☢️ - Participate in votes that change how we operate ???'? ???? ?? ???? ???!
Online 4 Unlife Icon
Gaming | Community
Hi, ihr sucht einen Server auf dem ihr mit Leuten quatschen könnt, die eure Spiele spielen. dann seit ihr bei uns genau richtig. "Online 4 Unlife" ist (noch eine kleine) Community die viele Spiele spielen und auch mit euch spielen. wir würden uns sehr freuen wenn genau du auf unseren Server kommst, damit sich die Arbeit und Zeit die wir in diesen Server gesteckt haben auch gelohnt hat
Wolf Pack Crew Icon
Gaming | Memes
We're a VERY small crew starting out and looking to expand Not everyone's in the discord so don't let that discourage you from joining What We Do: Help with contact missions and other activities CEO & MC Grind & Sell lobbies Heist Teams Crew Only Lobbies What We're Looking For: Must be able to play on free aim servers Must be at least 18 years of age Must be capable of being mature, mental stability, professionalism, mindful, respectful, etc. A mic isn't required, but is recommended Be able to operate within a structured teamwork environment Professional/Mature Demeanor Can Speak or understand English (We are mainly based in the US) Lastly, Be active, you CHOSE to join us, now we expect involvement from you. We’re not asking for your life, we’re asking for you to be involved, that’s the reason why you joined, to be involved Other Games we support, Minecraft, Fallout 76, RDR2, and Elite Dangerous
L'Enclave [FO76 - RP - FR] Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
L'Enclave [FO76 - RP - FR] Présentation: L'Enclave fallout 76 rp est une communauté roleplay multi-plateforme principalement basé sur playstation -Nous cherchons des membres actifs investis et respectant les règles en vigueur si vous comptez venir dans une optique de troll vous serez banni dans les plus brefs délais Le roleplay est presque exclusivement in-game sauf à de rare occasion rejoindre ne demande aucun pré requis le matériel roleplay et autres instructions vous seront donnés lors de votre première session aux seins de nos rangs Présentation Roleplay Après la chute des bombes après la mort et la désolation a lieu la reconstruction et c'est au gouvernement d'accomplir cette lourde tâche et cette reconstruction très chère Amérique commence par la destruction de groupe dangereux et autres vermines irradiés la sécurité des populations est et restera l'objectif premier de l'Enclave. Mais l'Enclave qu'est-ce que c'est ? l'Enclave c'est l'Amérique ! Elle est partout pour la
Enclave de Virginie Occidentale Icon
Role-Playing | Military
Serveur discord francophone dédié à du roleplay dans l'univers de Fallout, notamment sur Fallout 76. Nous jouons l'Enclave ! Viens nous rendre visite ;-)
Gaming | Community
Welcome to FYFE, a chill and fun Fallout 76 Discord server that's eagerly seeking new members like you! If you're looking for a relaxed and enjoyable community to share your adventures in the Wasteland, then look no further. Here's what we have to offer: Friendly Atmosphere: We pride ourselves on maintaining a warm and welcoming environment for all Fallout 76 enthusiasts. Our members are friendly, respectful, and always ready to have a good time. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore survivor, you'll feel right at home in our server. Casual Gameplay: We understand that not everyone wants to grind relentlessly or engage in high-stakes battles. In our server, you can enjoy Fallout 76 at your own pace. Join us for casual exploration, relaxed group activities, or simply to chat with fellow vault dwellers about your favorite aspects of the game.
Grahm's Responders Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Grahms Responders: A fresh community for fallout newcomers and veterans! We are a small community dedicated to helping each other and making sure we have fun along the way! Although we are still in the process of smoothing out the rough edges of our community, we are on track to becoming a tight group of nice individuals. We offer multiple in-game related channels, you can read more about this below. We offer: *An in-game events channel, which can be pinged by prefixes anywhere in the discord. e.g: !Earle for Earle nuke. *A giveaway channel, where everyone can host giveaways. *A tight knit community set on helping eachother and enjoying the game. *Future private world events like Nuke runs and other fun stuff (coming) *Trading channel with karma + monitoring. *Pricecheck channel, with prefix commands on known prices. *Weekly nuke codes. *Voice channels. *A server based level progression system and much more! We are looking for adult people, with maturity and common decency. We don'
Fallout 76 GR Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Fallout 76 for Greek players! Join to grow the Hellenic community of Appalachia. PVE and PVP teams available. We help new players, and grind with the old ones. https://discord.gg/fallout76gr
Confrérie Virginie-Occidentale Icon
Gaming | Community
La : © Confrérie de Virginie-Occidentale | [CVO][Fr] : • Présentation : ➜ La Confrérie de Virginie-Occidentale est une Communauté Rôle-Play sur Fallout76 basée sur la Plateforme : PlayStation. 📯➢ Nous recherchons des Membres Actifs; Invertis & Respectueux des Règlements, si vous Comptez venir dans une Optique de "Troll" vous serez Expulsé. 📯➢ Le Rôle-Play est quasi-Exclusivement en Sessions In-Game sur Fallout76 sauf à de Rare Occasion, Rejoindre la Confrérie ne Demande aucun Près Requis. Le Matériel Rp & Instructions vous seront donnés dès lors de votre Formation au seins des Rangs de l'Acier. 🛡️• Nous Proposons à Nos Joueurs : • Du Rp Militaire Serious de Qualité qui s'adapte à Chacun • Différentes Divisions au sein de la Confrérie de l'Acier • Différentes Spécialités selon votre Style de Jeu • Des Joueurs disponibles pour vous aider • Un STAFF à votre écoute 🏆 N'hésitez plus, Rejoignez-nous sans Plus Attendre..
V9 - A Fallout 76 Community Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
Welcome to the V9! A place for Fallout 76 nukers and traders to join together, farm events, trade, and make the most of Fallout 76. We offer help with all aspects of the game, including SPECIAL builds, pricing your stash as well as a safe place to do all your trading, including a super fast and reliable courier service! We also do giveaways and contests with the most tempting prizes in the wasteland!
Brotherhood of Shteel Icon
21+ PC only Looking for helpful long time players and new players that are mature and not toxic, we are 100+ strong at the moment, mostly long time players some new players. If you're looking for a chill mature and active group to play with! Most of us are on weeknights and weekends. We run pretty much everything and can help with any questions you might have! Not an RP server just themed! Join up and find your Brothers today!
Fallout: Intertwined World Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
War. War never changes. When atomic flame took the world by storm on that fabled day, October 23rd 2077, everything ended. Corporations gained wealth drawing straws on the end of the world, lives were torn asunder, and the Old World was erased. Amidst the ashes, however, something new was born. Different factions grew as the years passed in this wasteland of a world, affecting their areas respectively. Those with weak wills became Raiders, and those with strong wills became the pioneers for a new generation. Yet so much of the wasteland is unexplored, uncharted, uncontrolled. There’s so much to see. And anyone can make a change…Good or bad. It just depends on which one you wanna be. Who will you be? WELCOME to Fallout: Intertwined World! We’re a heavily inclusive fallout server who welcomes new and veteran Fallout fans, whether you came from the show, the games or even the niche gacha Fallout game. Covering all the regions from FO1 - FO TV Show, we’ve got plenty of places for rp!
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
The Color Palette Discord Server Banner
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
Vault City Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Vault City, fellow wasteland wanderer! 🌆🔥 Our state-of-the-art server, brought to you by Vault-Tec, is the ultimate hub for all things Fallout. Whether you’re a seasoned Vault Dweller or a fresh-faced survivor, we’ve got a spot for you. Dive into riveting discussions about lore, modding, and everything in-between with our members. And hey, if you’re feeling adventurous, pick a faction—don’t worry, we’ve got handy info for newcomers. So grab your Pip-Boy, dust off that jumpsuit, and join us in the irradiated fun!
Fallout 76 Black Market Icon
Gaming | Trading
Welcome to the Fallout 76 Black Market! Join our Discord community dedicated to facilitating secure and efficient real-money transactions for Fallout 76. Whether you're looking to buy or sell in-game items, caps, or services, our platform provides a safe transaction environment and ensures fair dealings among all members. Why Join Us? Secure Transactions: Verified and trusted members ensure your transactions are safe and reliable. Efficiency: Easily find what you need or sell what you have without hassle. Community: Connect with fellow traders and Fallout 76 enthusiasts. Price Check: Check our price list to see what items have sold for! Make sure that the items you buy are fairly valued. We enforce clear rules and guidelines for all members to maintain a fair and respectful trading environment. Please review these rules upon joining to ensure a positive experience for everyone.