ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
[🩺] Passion for Medicine [RO] Icon
Health | Education
Ajută la Salvarea Vieții! Învăță Primul Ajutor Gratuit pe Discord! Ai observat că mulți români nu știu să acorde primul ajutor în situații de urgență? Este timpul să schimbăm acest lucru! Cursurile de prim ajutor sunt esențiale pentru fiecare persoană, deoarece pot face diferența între viață și moarte într-o situație de urgență. Din păcate, mulți oameni nu au cunoștințe despre cum să acționeze în astfel de situații. La Passion for Medicine [RO], ne-am propus să schimbăm această situație! Oferim cursuri de prim ajutor GRATUITE pe Discord, pentru a ajuta cât mai mulți oameni să învețe și să se pregătească în caz de urgență. Ce vei învăța: - Tehnici de resuscitare cardio-pulmonară (RCP) - Cum să oprești sângerările - Cum să tratezi arsurile și leziunile - Cum să acorzi primul ajutor în caz de fracturi și entorse - Și multe altele! Cursurile noastre sunt programate regulat pe serverul nostru Discord. Este ușor să te înscrii și să participi! Ajută-ne să salvăm vieți împreună!
Education | Support
Your local First Aid bot, acts as the local First Aider, giving advice and talking about First Aid. sjadev is the owners discord if you need it.
Medical Science Icon
Science | Education
Medical Science
DPT Applicants Icon
Education | Fitness
Join us to talk about Physical Therapy and the application process. This server includes Q/A session, case studies and gaming with current Physical Therapy students as well as Physical Therapy applicants. Feel free to share and use current posted resources involving the GRE, Physical Therapy schools, admittance essays and academic information.
NipTuckbyRTP Icon
NipTuck and Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery by RTP Discord Server. In this server you will find all contents related to NipTuck and Esthetic Surgery, no matter if TikTok, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube or other socials.
Medicine Redefined Icon
Fitness | Education
A Discord for the fast-growing and value-based podcast Medicine Redefined. Join a community of others who are looking to PUT THE HEALTH BACK IN HEALTHCARE! The current system is not sustainable and we know that medicine in the future will look different. Stay on top of topics such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, stress management, social community, and much more through the lens of functional, integrative, and lifestyle medicine. We will post relevant articles, products that we use, and our growth-oriented mindsets so that we all can become better versions of ourselves!
Medicine Icon
Education | Science
Discord server for medicine students/ doctors from all over the world ?‍⚕️??‍⚕️. Learn about different subjects, discuss interesting topics, connect with fellow medicine students and much more!
MediTeach Icon
Education | Community
MediTeach is a community for hardworking students, aspiring and current medics. Get help and support from each other :)
Chicago County General Hospital Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Wir sind ein Krankenhaus-RPG, das in Chcago spielt und sich an bekannten TV-Serien wie Grey's Anatomy, Emergency Room und anderen orientiert. Wir spielen unsere eigene Story ohne Originalcharaktere, bieten gemeinsame Events und eine freundliche Community. Bei uns kann man in die Rolle von Ärzten, Pflegern, Studenten und Rettungskräften oder Patienten schlüpfen.
Pre/Med Icon
Education | Community
Discover a place where like-minded individuals come together - join one of the most outstanding Pre/Med communities on Discord with regular support, resources, classes, and peer mentorship. Embark on a journey that begins right here, and surround yourself with those who share your passion and dedication. Your path to success starts in this vibrant community!