Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server. | MultigamingCM Icon
Community | Gaming
Reached Steps: Conan Exiles - 1st European Private Server ARK: SE - 1st Portuguese Private Server ATLAS - 1st Portuguese Server Rust - 1st Portuguese Server Hurthworld - 1st Portuguese Server Battalion 1944 - 1st Portuguese Server Unturned - 1st Portuguese Server
Project2International Icon
Gaming | Community
Server still in development! You can still join our Discord and help us identifying and solving errors. Come try it now and give us some suggestions...
Metin2Tools Icon
Gaming | Community
Server support for the Metin2Tools bot.
HalikarnasMt2 Discord Sunucusu Icon
Entertainment | eSports
HalikarnasMt2 Resmi Discord Sunucusudur.
Gaming | Entertainment
discord oyun sunucusu türk
Rosem2 Icon
Gaming | eSports
Sunucumuz Oyun Sunucusudur Oyunlar Metin2 Tarzı Oyunlar Lol Pubg Metin2 Knight Online Gibi Oyunlar
Metin2 Icon
YouTuber | Anime
Discord sunucusuna hoşgeldiniz.Herhangi bir sorunda halit#6232 ve halitbzkrt#0984 ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Gaming | Role-Playing
- Artık aramızda yeni dostlar yeni arkadaşlıklar kurmak bu güzel ortamı devam ettirmek istiyoruz -Zeval2 yükseliş sunucusunda alımlarımız aktif olup bize ulaşabilirsiniz -Oyun bilgisine Ve Arena Tecrübesine Güvenen oyuncuları bekliyoruz -Geç kaldığınızı düsünmeyin biz yeni başlıyoruz.
Gaming | Business
Kronius2 yang sale service. Fast and reliable trade.Contact us for your yang needs. We are waiting for you to our dc channel.
eSports | Gaming
ETERNAL Ailesi, Metin2 Alesta'da 26 Kasim 2008 yilinda kurulmustur, ardından Metin2 Private serverlarında Hellsing sonrasında Hell yönetiminde oyuna devam etmiştir. Hic bir zaman dusmemis her zaman gelismis ve basarilarina bir yenisini eklemis her zaman zirveye oynamistir. Amac sadece eski gunlerdeki gibi Metin2'den oynadigimiz sure zarfi icerisinde, tukettigimiz oyun saatinin bizlere "zevk, eglence, nese" olarak yansimasidir. Bunu daha iyi hale getirebilmek icin, iletisim ve kaynasmak adina ETERNAL ailesi olarak Team Speak kullanmakta ve tuketilen oyun saatini bu sekilde gerek oyun gerek oyun disi sohbetlerlede surdurmekteyiz.Loncamizda herhangi bir oyuncuya karsi acilan savasta lonca uyemizi/uyelerimizi korumak adina karsilik vermekten cekinmeyiz.
Rubis2 Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Rubis2 Metin2 Pvp Server Macera Başlıyor 17 ocak 21.00'da açılacak herkesi bekliyoruz.
Şafak2 - Şafak Doğuyor. Icon
Gaming | Community
Şafak2 - Şafak Doğuyor. l Sunucusuna hoşgeldiniz! adresinden kayıt olabilir, serverımızı indirebilirsiniz.
Discord.Me Support Icon
Growth | Support | Community
Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
Discord.Me Support Discord Server Banner
Discord.Me Support Icon
Growth | Support | Community
Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
Neith2 | GLOBAL Icon
Community | Gaming
Neith2 is an international server with a unique game. The game mode is a PVM-Medium, the maximum level is 120+champion level. To find out more information you can enter our discord server. Web:
Global Legit Bazar Icon
Gaming | Business
In this group you can buy or sell products and yang, if you wish, you can request help in your trades from our group's admins or trusted middleman.
Metin2Ghost Icon
𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧2𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 Bine ai venit pe 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭2, un server de Metin2 dedicat jucătorilor pasionați de aventură și luptă! Alătură-te unei comunități vibrante și explorează un univers plin de mistere, creaturi fantastice și provocări epice. 𝐂𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐦: Rate de Experiență Echilibrate: Progres rapid și satisfăcător pentru toți jucătorii. Evenimente Unice: Participă la evenimente speciale și câștigă premii deosebite. Sisteme Inovatoare: Descoperă noi funcții și sisteme de joc care îți vor îmbunătăți experiența. PvP Intens: Demonstrează-ți abilitățile în bătălii PvP și urcă în clasamente. Economia Dinamică: Comerț liber și corect pentru toți jucătorii. Comunitate Prietenoasă: Alătură-te unei comunități active și prietenoase, gata să te ajute în orice moment. 𝐃𝐞 𝐜𝐞 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭2 La 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭2, ne străduim să oferim cea mai bună experiență de joc posibilă. Indiferent dacă ești un veteran al jocului Metin2 sau un nou venit, vei găsi ceva care să te atragă și să te țină captivat.
Metin2 Pvp Serverler Icon
Gaming | Tournaments
Metin2 pvp server tanıtımları ve daha bir çok sunucu hizmetleri sağlayan discord sunucumuza davetlisin!
Zelex2 MT2 Icon
Gaming | Community
🌟 Welcome to Zelex2 Metin2 Community! 🌟 Join a thriving community centered around the exciting world of Zelex2 Metin2! Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a new player, this is the perfect place to connect, share, and grow. 🎮 What We Offer: 💬 Active Discussions: Chat with fellow players about strategies, updates, and gameplay tips. 🛡️ Guild Recruitment: Find your team and dominate the battlefield together! 📢 Server Announcements: Stay updated with the latest events, patches, and features. 🎉 Community Events: Participate in in-game events and Discord giveaways. 🛠️ Help & Support: Get guidance from experienced players and admins. 🌍 Why Join Us? Meet passionate Metin2 players. Share your journey, achievements, and epic moments. Collaborate and compete in an engaging environment. 🔗 Join Now and Begin Your Adventure!
Efsaneyiz Ailesi 1 Mart 2021 'de kurulmuştur. +20 kişiliğini bilen kendine güvenen arkadaşlarımızı bekliyoruz. Hedefimiz liderliği almak, hedefimize uzanan yolda bize destek olmak için aramıza katılın.
DarkSoul2 Metin2 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Das ist der Offizielle Discord von DarkSoul2. Darksoul2 ist ein Metin2 Privat Server. Es Erwarten Euch Internationale Chat Kanäle, Music Kanäle, Memes Chat, Beef Chat und Vieles Vieles Mehr. Kommt rein und Überzeugt euch Selber. PS: NUR FÜR LEUTE DIE METIN2 SPIELEN. Danke. DarkSoul2 -The Soul of Life ist ein Metin2 P Server der ein Newschool feeling verspricht und viele neue Futures hat. Die Open Beta beginnt vorraussichtlich am 01.11.2021. Sei dabei und erlebe die DarkSoul2 kraft von Metin.
Markuz92LIVE Community Icon
Community | Entertainment
Benvenuti a tutti siamo community in crescita riguardiamo il gaming e fare amicizia e giocare tutti insieme abbiamo la possibilità ti ospitare streamer e collaborare insieme vi aspettiamo in tanti sarete i benvenuti
M2 trading discord Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Hey guys, here you can trade Items & yang in m2! If your favorite Server is not yet included, feel free to report this to the team Icon
Business | Gaming
En uygun oyun epin, goldbar , hesap ilan alım satım işlemlerinizi sitemiz üzerinden gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Zenia2 Icon
Gaming | Community
Server de metin pvp clasic cu sisteme noi, sistem pubg si pacanele cu samance.Va asteptam pe noul server pvp.
Yogas World| Deutsch ・ German Icon
Community | Gaming
» Wir sind nicht offizieller Discord Partner, bieten Gaming spezifische Channel an um dich mit anderen auszutauschen. » Unsere Moderatoren achten stetig auf ein angenehmes Klima im Chat — ohne Toxizität und mit ganz viel Spaß! Überzeuge dich gerne selbst! Was wir zu bieten haben: ╭🌎୧ angenehme, entspannte und nicht toxische Community ┊🔫୧ Themen Kanäle wie Gaming, Filme & Serien, uvm. ┊👑୧ Level-System, mehrere Bots und wunderschöne Emotes! ┊👀୧ Nicht Discord Partner ╰💎୧ und vieles mehr. Tritt jetzt bei und lerne unsere Community kennen!
Shenanigans (18+) Icon
Community | Gaming
Join in on the shenanigans in our 18+ server come chat, vc, or just chill and have a great outlet to make new friends ╰┈➤ Active mostly in the afternoon/night in vc's (NA) but active in chats 24/7 ╰┈➤ Friendly and supportive staff members ╰┈➤ A diverse community (gamers, lgbtq+, weebs, artists, and anything else under the sun) ╰┈➤ A Sprinkle of toxicity ╰┈➤Great events hosted every month Come try us out! Free to join - Free to leave (though you will most likely stay)
Shenanigans (18+) Discord Server Banner
Shenanigans (18+) Icon
Community | Gaming
Join in on the shenanigans in our 18+ server come chat, vc, or just chill and have a great outlet to make new friends ╰┈➤ Active mostly in the afternoon/night in vc's (NA) but active in chats 24/7 ╰┈➤ Friendly and supportive staff members ╰┈➤ A diverse community (gamers, lgbtq+, weebs, artists, and anything else under the sun) ╰┈➤ A Sprinkle of toxicity ╰┈➤Great events hosted every month Come try us out! Free to join - Free to leave (though you will most likely stay)
MT2 World 🏹 Icon
Gaming | Community
Free2join | Serverteilen erlaubt (im Server Links Channel) | entspannte Atmosphäre | Gildenkrieg Channel | sofortige Einladerechte (bitte nur Metin2 Spieler einladen) Wir freuen uns auf dich! 🔥
Sheitana Metin2 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Découvre Sheitana. Un serveur de type New-School unique en son genre de part ses rendu GRAPHIQUE 4K et ses systèmes, inédits et plus utiles les uns que les autres, son gameplay trépident, ses instances épiques.
FéoriaOfMetin Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Rejoignez-nous sur un serveur ultra-fun avec plus de 50 joueurs connecté simultanément et doté d'un PvE dynamique. L'économie du serveur est bien gérée, une équipe active et en constante évolution vous accueille chaque semaine avec 200 niveaux et des nouveautés régulières, avec Le serveur est ouvert depuis le 6 octobre 2023.
Metin2 Tigerghost Deutschland Icon
Gaming | Community
Wir sind eine kleine Community aus Spielern für den Server Tigerghost. Wir haben einen Discord aufgebaut um alle Spieler zusammen zu bringen.
Metin2 Won Shop Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Welcome to our Metin2 Discord server, where warriors from all realms unite! Join us for epic battles, strategic alliances, and a vibrant community dedicated to the legendary MMORPG, Metin2. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of martial arts, our server offers a welcoming environment to discuss strategies, share tips, and forge new friendships. Gear up, sharpen your skills, and embark on an unforgettable journey in the mystical lands of Metin2 with us!
Metin2 DarkAges Icon
Gaming | Social
🌟 The grand opening will be on March 2 and some gifts We are proud to present you a Metin2 server with a medium PVM game mode that promises to redefine your experience in the world of Metin. With years of work and passion invested in this project, we have created a server that stands out by: 🏹 Medium PVM Game Mode: We have kept the balance and difficulty at a perfect level, giving you appropriate challenges while enjoying your PVM adventure. 🌄 Our Unique World: We invite you to explore a detailed world, inspired by the Metin2 universe, with new areas, new monsters and exciting quests. 🛡️ Innovative Equipment and Upgrade System: We have made significant improvements to equipment to allow you to customize your character and feel powerful in battle. Join us on Discord to stay up to date with our server launch and join the passionate Metin2DarkAges community. Here, you'll find everything you need to prepare for your epic adventure in our brand new world of Metin2.
Abysse-2 metin2 Icon
Gaming | Community
Return to the atmosphere of the 2010s with a max level of 99 and gameplay inspired by the French Metin 2 from 2010. Discover new systems like the offline store, searching for items in the store and an in-game Wikipedia. Compete against instances with leaderboards for competitive challenges. Join us for a legendary adventure!
Metin2TR Icon
Art | Business
Sunucuya katılmak için lütfen Join butonuna basın. hakkımızda daha fazla bilgi edinmek için ; adresinden bize ulaşabilirsiniz.
CNL Flyff Universe Market Icon
Gaming | Business
Buying and Selling Currency and Item of Lost Ark, OSRS/RS3, FlyFF, Heartwood, Elder Scroll Online, Torchlight Infinite, Metin2. Online 24/7, Good Price.
Metin2 community - CZ/ENG Icon
Gaming | Community
The biggest Metin2 discord community! Embark on an unforgettable journey in the largest Metin2 Discord server! Connect with players worldwide, engage in guild wars, access in-depth guides, and participate in exciting events. Stay updated with real-time news, trade items in a bustling market, and showcase your creativity. Join us now and become part of the ultimate Metin2 community! Your legend starts here.
AstarothGlobal - PvP Ultra Fun Icon
Gaming | Community
The Server is an Ultra Fun PVP Unique Gameplay Mode With Level 255 with Hundreds of Effects, Hundreds of Wings Thousands of Armor and Weapons, Skill Costume, Skill Color Unique Appearance and Unique and Custom Titles Wolfman, Specular System, Huge Bonuses and Many More No Alchemy | No Switchbot | No Multiple Clients | Events Every Day
Metin2 Black Market Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
This is a Metin2 server where you can sell your items and accounts also won and much more .. Join us now !
Social | Anime | Community
✨ Chill Community ⭐ 500 Emojis 💬 #1 Addicting Server 🔊 24/7 Active 🎉 Nitro Giveaways 💎 Daily Events 🥵 E-Girls & E-Boys 🤖 Awesome Bots
ASAGAO Discord Server Banner
Social | Anime | Community
✨ Chill Community ⭐ 500 Emojis 💬 #1 Addicting Server 🔊 24/7 Active 🎉 Nitro Giveaways 💎 Daily Events 🥵 E-Girls & E-Boys 🤖 Awesome Bots
M2Kings Icon
Gaming | Community
M2Kings is a high-difficulty PvM server with a max level of 120, where the power of the kingdom lies in the hands of its king. Each kingdom is ruled by a player-elected or battle-proven king who has the authority to control key game mechanics like experience rates, drop rates, and item upgrade success chances. Kings are chosen initially by players, but every month, a tournament allows challengers to battle for the throne. Victory through combat or strategic voting is the path to rule. Players in M2Kings can rise through ranks, unlocking special bonuses based on their achievements and dedication to the kingdom. A unique plant collection system lets players improve their drop rates, experience, and other stats by contributing to the king. Failure to complete ranking missions results in traitor status, which comes with negative effects.
Arione 2 Global Icon
Gaming | PC
Arione 2 este un server de Metin 2 creat din anul 2018, avand 2 sub servere, 1. Arione 2 lvl 120 pvm medium 2. Arione 2 lvl 250 pvm pvp medium. Serverele detin multe Sisteme si Dungeonuri Pentru mai multe informatii intrati pe serverul de discord.
Metin2 Trading Group Icon
Trading | Crypto
You can buy and sell here for free. Metin2 Valorant Path of Exile League of Legends CryptoCurrency etc..