DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Metin2 Trading Group Icon
Trading | Crypto
You can buy and sell here for free. Metin2 Valorant Path of Exile League of Legends CryptoCurrency etc..
HalikarnasMt2 Discord Sunucusu Icon
Entertainment | eSports
HalikarnasMt2 Resmi Discord Sunucusudur.
Metin2 Icon
YouTuber | Anime
Discord sunucusuna hoşgeldiniz.Herhangi bir sorunda halit#6232 ve halitbzkrt#0984 ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Gaming | Role-Playing
- Artık aramızda yeni dostlar yeni arkadaşlıklar kurmak bu güzel ortamı devam ettirmek istiyoruz -Zeval2 yükseliş sunucusunda alımlarımız aktif olup bize ulaşabilirsiniz -Oyun bilgisine Ve Arena Tecrübesine Güvenen oyuncuları bekliyoruz -Geç kaldığınızı düsünmeyin biz yeni başlıyoruz.
Rubis2 Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Rubis2 Metin2 Pvp Server Macera Başlıyor 17 ocak 21.00'da açılacak herkesi bekliyoruz. https://rubis2.com/index
Metin2 Pvp Serverler Icon
Gaming | Tournaments
Metin2 pvp server tanıtımları ve daha bir çok sunucu hizmetleri sağlayan discord sunucumuza davetlisin!
Zenia2 Icon
Gaming | Community
Server de metin pvp clasic cu sisteme noi, sistem pubg si pacanele cu samance.Va asteptam pe noul server pvp.
Yogas World| Deutsch ・ German Icon
Community | Gaming
» Wir sind nicht offizieller Discord Partner, bieten Gaming spezifische Channel an um dich mit anderen auszutauschen. » Unsere Moderatoren achten stetig auf ein angenehmes Klima im Chat — ohne Toxizität und mit ganz viel Spaß! Überzeuge dich gerne selbst! Was wir zu bieten haben: ╭🌎୧ angenehme, entspannte und nicht toxische Community ┊🔫୧ Themen Kanäle wie Gaming, Filme & Serien, uvm. ┊👑୧ Level-System, mehrere Bots und wunderschöne Emotes! ┊👀୧ Nicht Discord Partner ╰💎୧ und vieles mehr. Tritt jetzt bei und lerne unsere Community kennen!
MT2 World 🏹 Icon
Gaming | Community
Free2join | Serverteilen erlaubt (im Server Links Channel) | entspannte Atmosphäre | Gildenkrieg Channel | sofortige Einladerechte (bitte nur Metin2 Spieler einladen) Wir freuen uns auf dich! 🔥
Sheitana Metin2 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Découvre Sheitana. Un serveur de type New-School unique en son genre de part ses rendu GRAPHIQUE 4K et ses systèmes, inédits et plus utiles les uns que les autres, son gameplay trépident, ses instances épiques.
Metin2 community - CZ/ENG Icon
Gaming | Community
The biggest Metin2 discord community! Embark on an unforgettable journey in the largest Metin2 Discord server! Connect with players worldwide, engage in guild wars, access in-depth guides, and participate in exciting events. Stay updated with real-time news, trade items in a bustling market, and showcase your creativity. Join us now and become part of the ultimate Metin2 community! Your legend starts here.
AstarothGlobal - PvP Ultra Fun Icon
Gaming | Community
The Server is an Ultra Fun PVP Unique Gameplay Mode With Level 255 with Hundreds of Effects, Hundreds of Wings Thousands of Armor and Weapons, Skill Costume, Skill Color Unique Appearance and Unique and Custom Titles Wolfman, Specular System, Huge Bonuses and Many More No Alchemy | No Switchbot | No Multiple Clients | Events Every Day