Welcome to the comprehensive list of all commands available in MRichard333's Discord bot! Whether you're managing a server, looking for entertainment, or seeking useful tools, there's a command for everything.
Server Management
- Manage auto-moderation settings.
- 🔨 Ban a member from the server.
- 📦 Create, edit, or delete a channel.
- 🔍 Checks if the bot has all the required permissions to run every command.
- 🗑️ Delete a specified number of messages from a channel.
- 👢 Kick a member from the server.
- 🔒 Lock a channel to prevent anyone from sending messages.
- 🔓 Unlocks the current channel, allowing everyone to send messages.
- Manage warnings for users.
Information & Utility
- Displays the avatar of the mentioned user.
- Replies with Pong!
- Displays information about the server.
- Displays information about a user.
- 🔍 Scans a website for vulnerabilities using VirusTotal.
- Show a menu with all available services.
- Displays the bot statistics.
- Get the weather for a specific city.
- Get the latest stock alert for a given symbol.
- Get tips for studying effectively.
Fun & Entertainment
- Commands for ARK: Survival Ascended.
- Sends a random cat image.
- Get a random Chuck Norris joke.
- 💻 Share a code snippet in an embed.
- 📦 Sends an embed message with a chosen color.
- Fetches information about a video game.
- Get a random joke.
- Get a random meme from r/memes.
- Movie-related commands.
- Create a poll.
- Provides a random useless fact.
- Get a random trivia question.
- Show a YouTube video or channel embed, or search for a channel by name.
Security & Cybersecurity
- Commands for Cybersecurity tips.
- Report a fraud to mrichard333.com.
- 🔍 Scans a website for vulnerabilities using VirusTotal.
Trading & Economy
- Trade dinosaurs, eggs, or items for in-game currency.
Support & Donation
- Support us by making a donation!
Use these commands to fully explore the capabilities of the bot and enhance your Discord experience!