Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Link Inspector Icon
Bot | Technology
The Link Inspector Bot is a Discord bot that helps members see to where links are directing them before clicking on them. Here are the features of the Link Inspector Bot : - Scans links and shows to where they're directing. - Shows the domain name. - Resolves the IP address of the website. - Unshortens links. - Detect the type of the link whether it's a website or a file/app. - Detects malicious links with Cyrillic letters. - Gets the nameserver, server and hostmaster of the link (server) . - Takes a screenshot of the website.
Xenium Icon
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MR3 Icon
Education | Community
Global Description:  MR3 is our official Discord bot, it contain our articles, website and services, there's more to come in the future as it is still in developement.    Additional details: Our missions is to prevent online frauds trough educations and teach cybersecurity defense tips, MR3 does all that while providing access to our main pages! make your server members safer online with MR3 bot!
MR.0xBOT Icon
Programming | YouTuber
➤ About Rules ┊- صورة واسم حسابك يجب أن تكون لائقة وغير مخالفة للدين سيتم تنبيهك واذ لم يتم التجاوب سيتم طردك ┊- احترام الجميع وعدم السب والشتم ┊- عدم مشاركة الروابط التي بها خلل ديني أو أمني او تخالف شروط الدسكورد ┊- لا تجاوب على سؤال أي شخص إلا وأنت تعرف الإجابة تجنباً لنشر المعلومات الخاطئة ┊-ممنوع نشر روابط مشبوها ┊-لو كنت سوف تنشر خلفيه كمبيوتر ,على صوره ان تكون , ┊Full HD : دقه عاليه و حجم 1920 ┊-عند نشر مقالات في مكتبه عليك نشر مقال في للغه العربيه لي اجل المبتدئين يفهمو ┊-ممنوع تكلم في دين لي اجل عدم انك تفتي في امور دين ╰➤ [0xROBEE]