Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
PoKi Icon
Bot | Social
Hey I'm Poki , I'm your personal guild security guard ! You can see my abilities [ commands ] here : Abilities Commands ? 1️⃣ /ability channel_freeze [ True / False ] ↳?️ Create Channel after channel deleted by non whitelisted Users with same info ! Limit Commands ? 1️⃣ /setlimit channel [limit_number] ↳?️ Set channel [creation / deletion / update] limit 2️⃣ /setlimit role [limit_number] ↳?️ Set role [creation / deletion / update] limit 3️⃣ /setlimit ban [limit_number] ↳?️ Set [ban / unban] limit 4️⃣ /setlimit emoji [limit_number] ↳?️ Set emoji [add / remove] limit 5️⃣ /setlimit kick [limit_number] ↳?️ Set kick limit Punishment Commands ? 1️⃣ /punishment ban ↳?️ ban user when bot punished user for user reach server limit 2️⃣ /punishment kick ↳?️ kick user when bot punished user for user reach server limit 3️⃣ /punishment removerole ↳?️ remove all users roles when bot punished user for user reach server limit whitelist Commands ? 1️⃣ /whitelist add [
Link Inspector Icon
Bot | Technology
The Link Inspector Bot is a Discord bot that helps members see to where links are directing them before clicking on them. Here are the features of the Link Inspector Bot : - Scans links and shows to where they're directing. - Shows the domain name. - Resolves the IP address of the website. - Unshortens links. - Detect the type of the link whether it's a website or a file/app. - Detects malicious links with Cyrillic letters. - Gets the nameserver, server and hostmaster of the link (server) . - Takes a screenshot of the website.
SecureNet Icon
# SecureNet SecureNet is a groundbreaking Discord bot that revolutionizes server management by enabling seamless moderation synchronization across main servers and their subservers. Tailored for administrators who oversee multiple Discord servers, SecureNet offers an unparalleled solution for maintaining consistent moderation policies and actions network-wide. What Sets SecureNet Apart: Network-Wide Moderation: Ban or timeout users across all linked servers with a single action, ensuring a uniform security posture. Automatic Synchronization: Changes in moderation settings or roles in the root server are automatically applied to all subservers. Private Token System: Utilize unique tokens to securely link subservers to the main server, protecting your network's integrity. Customizable Log Channels: Designate specific channels for logging all moderation actions and alerts, keeping your team informed and responsive. ## Featured Commands: - `/help` - Provides detailed information on Se
Double security Icon
Bot | Support
Discord automod bot with moderation functions and verification system, auto purge a certain member and many more ONLY 3 STEPS FOR EVERYTHING TO WORK ! ( BAN THE BOT IF IT IS FAKE OR NOT REAL )
Server Security Icon
Bot | Community
This bot is a bot that protects your server. Of course, vandalism measures! It also responds to simple greetings. Equipped with convenient functions! The language of this bot is English. However, the usage method is published on the official website so that people from other countries can use it. Please try to introduce it. 「/command」 /help: Check commands and how to use them. /bot: You can check bot information. /boost: You can check the number of times the server has been boosted. /channel : You can check the number of channels. _________________________________ 「s! command」 s!ban ID: You can ban using a user ID. You can use s!ban:@# @ to ban. _________________________________ 「Anti-spam command」 s!on: Turn on anti-spam mode. s!off: Turn off anti-spam mode. Official site → https://serversecurity.amebaownd.com/ How to use →https://serversecurah/ Invitation link → https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1111559024589156363&scope=bot%20applications.commands&permission
RoGuard Icon
Bot | Gaming
RoGuard is an innovative new service that allows you to verify members in your Discord server using their Roblox account. With RoGuard's powerful Discord bot, you can easily and quickly verify members and ensure that only trusted individuals have access to your server. Using RoGuard is incredibly easy. Simply connect your Roblox account to RoGuard and add the RoGuard bot to your Discord server. Members can then use the RoGuard bot to verify their identity by linking their Roblox account to their Discord account. Once a member has been verified, RoGuard will automatically assign them the appropriate roles and permissions within your Discord server. This ensures that your server remains secure and only trusted members have access to sensitive information and channels. RoGuard also offers a range of additional features, including customizable verification settings, detailed analytics, and security settings that ensure your personal information remains safe and secure.
Cordfence Icon
Technology | Bot
The ultimate companion for blocking VPN's, alt-accounts, and more from entering your Discord server.
Bot | Community
All-In-One Security suite for Discord servers, stop raids and nukes, protects from bad urls, limit critical events and much more!
Kentro Icon
Bot | Social
Kentro Bot, Discord sunucularınızı zenginleştiren bir çok özelliğiyle geliyor. Güçlü güvenlik önlemleriyle kullanıcı verilerini korur, özelleştirilebilir komutları ve moderasyon özellikleriyle sunucu yönetimini kolaylaştırır. Kentro Bot, kullanımı kolay arayüzü ile sunucunuzun güvenliğini en üst düzeye çıkarır!
Sentinel X Icon
Community | Gaming
Sentinel X stands as a beacon of protection in the vast sea of Discord servers, offering an unparalleled defense against online threats. This free Discord bot boasts a robust reporting system where users can log incidents, initiating a thorough investigative process conducted by Sentinel X staff. Rooted in principles of Trust, Empathy, and Integrity, Sentinel X ensures fair and impartial assessments, utilizing evidence to guide the deduction of points from individuals who breach community rules. Setting up Sentinel X is a breeze; simply invite the bot to your server and follow straightforward instructions. Unlike other offerings, Sentinel X prides itself on equal access for all users, with no exclusive packages to limit protection. Its seamless integration with Discord bots and moderation tools ensures a cohesive experience, solidifying its status as the top choice among Discord communities seeking security.
SSC Security Icon
Bot | Technology
Level up your Discord server's security with SSC Security Bot : Smart AI Protection, Advanced Moderation and Logging . and more !
Blcked👮Moderation Icon
Community | Bot
Wer ist Blcked👮Moderation? Blcked👮Moderation ist ein Moderations Bot, der dein Server: Vor Raids Vor Nukes Vor Spammer etc. schützt. Wieso Blcked👮Moderation? Blcked👮Moderation, weil wir ihn auf mehreren Servern von anderen Nutzern schon haben, die sehr zufrieden sind.
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Maki Discord Server Banner
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
GateKeeper Icon
Community | Furry
GateKeeper is a multi-server verification system designed to secure your server against raiders, trolls, and malcious users. It is modeled after the custom bots used in large furry servers.
Melpo verifier Icon
Community | Bot
Customisable, user-friendly verification system to keep your server safe from trolls and raids!
PlusBot✨ Icon
Gaming | Social
**give way unlimited?** yes it's unlimited **Have protection free ?** yes our bot is offering you anti Ghost Ping Free **what about spammers?** you can blacklist them to joining server **Mod command ?** yes we have some mod command **Game command ?** yes we have command for free game **at any time if u have problem u can use %report and we will help you out** *Thanks*
rainfall.xyz Icon
Anime | Art
rainfall is a fast, new, multi-purpose bot dedicated to enhancing your experience. General Commands $help - Show this message $prefix [prefix] - Set a new prefix for the server $invite - Invite the bot to another server $support - Support server for raccoon Moderation Commands $banwordlist - Show a list of banned words for the server $banword [word1, word2, ...] - Ban specific words from the server $unbanword [word1, word2, ...] - Unban specific words from the server $ban [user_id] - Ban a user by ID $kick [@user] - Kick a mentioned user $timeout [@user] [time] - Timeout a mentioned user for a specified time $purge [amount] - Delete a specified amount of messages $banrecent [time] - Ban members in certain timeframe. $kickrecent [time] - Kick members in certain timeframe.
Dunkelmann Icon
Bot | Support
A bot jelenleg a tokyohost.eu oldalon futattva. Fenntartása költséges,szánj rá egy kis időt hogy támogathasd a bot működését! Web: https://bot.dunkelmann.hu/ Mi is a GLINK? A GLINK azaz GLOBÁLIS LINK globálisan képes a bot letiltani egy link adott használatát. A bot bírja ugyanakkor a folytonos spammelést,mivel a szerver ahol üzemeltetjük, (tokyohost) erre van kiskálázva. A bot tartalmaz egy Globális tíltólistát,mely nyílvánosan elérhető. Miket tíltunk le? Olyan linkeket tiltunk le,amelyek ütköznek a Discord szabályaiba,és védik a közösséget. -Scam linkek -Átverések -Jumpscare videók,weboldalak -Token lopó linkek -Folytonos átirányító weboldalak -Olyan discord szerverek amelyek ütköznek a Discord szerverkészítési szabályzatába Továbbiakban olyan linkeket amiket itt be lehet küldeni. A lista bővítésének jogát fenntartjuk,és bármikor változtathatunk az átengedési szabályokon. A discord bot használatával beleegyezel a fejlesztő által megszabott feltételekkel.
Assister Icon
📄 Assister Try .help or /help to get more information regarding bot including categories, commands with their uses, permissions required & command usage. Try .help <category|command> • Antinuke • Automod • Autorole • Autoresponding • Moderation • Media • Utility • Messaging Why Invite Assister ❓ All-in-One Solution: Assister combines multiple features into a single, easy-to-use bot, reducing the need for multiple bots and streamlining server management. Customizability: Adapt Assister to fit your server’s unique needs with customizable settings and commands. User-Friendly: With an intuitive interface and comprehensive documentation, Assister is easy to set up and use, even for those new to Discord bots. Active Development: Regular updates and enhancements ensure Assister stays up-to-date with the latest features and security improvements. Community Support: Join a growing community of Assister users for support, tips, and sharing best practices. 🔗 By inviting Assister to your
Cyber Cat Icon
Bot | Entertainment
CyberCat Bot is a multi-purpose bot for your discord server. It has moderation commands and so many fun commands that will never make your server players bored. There are some sample commands listed below. To know more about all commands you should use this bot or visit our website https://cybercatdiscordbot.github.io/pages/commands.html /say - This will make the bot repeat what you say. /gemini - Ask anything and get your answer from fully powered Google's Gemini AI. /weather - Get the weather information of the provided city or state. /fun catimage - Get a random cat image from all over the world. /fun quote - Get a funny quote of the day. /lovepercentage - Find the love percentage of the provided couple. /bomb - Plant a bomb on a user in discord server. The user will be punished by a randomly selected punishment, for the last 30 minutes. /rolldice - Roll a dice and try your luck.
Guardian Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Guardian is your server’s shield, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all members. With powerful moderation tools and features, Guardian keeps the peace by handling rule violations and managing roles. Whether it's muting, kicking, or banning users, Guardian is always on watch to maintain order and protect your community. Help Command: Ping The Bot Support: https://discord.gg/adGFCUMBNR
Your Hoster Icon
Gaming | Community
„Your Hoster“ ist ein vielseitiger und leistungsstarker Discord-Bot, der speziell entwickelt wurde, um die Verwaltung von Discord-Servern zu vereinfachen und gleichzeitig die Automatisierung von Aufgaben zu optimieren. Mit einer Vielzahl an Funktionen bietet „Your Hoster“ alles, was Administratoren, Moderatoren und Community-Manager benötigen, um ihre Server effizient und reibungslos zu betreiben. Dank der benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche und intuitiven Befehle ermöglicht der Bot die einfache Verwaltung von Server-Einstellungen, Nutzerrechten und Rollen. Neben den grundlegenden Moderationsfunktionen, wie etwa das Verwalten von Nachrichten, das Sperren von Nutzern oder das Festlegen von Regeln, bietet „Your Hoster“ auch maßgeschneiderte Tools für eine automatisierte Verwaltung von Events, Umfragen und Benachrichtigungen. Besondere Highlights sind die umfassende Anpassbarkeit der Bot-Einstellungen, die Integration von benutzerdefinierten Befehlen und die Möglichkeit, wiederkehrende Aufg