Bot | Music
Xerl-Bot – The Ultimate All-in-One Discord Bot
Xerl-Bot is the only bot you'll ever need to manage, secure, and enhance your Discord server! Packed with powerful anti-nuke protection, moderation tools, entertainment commands, and automation features, Xerl-Bot ensures your server stays safe, active, and engaging.
Key Features:
✅ Anti-Nuke Protection – Prevents mass kicks, bans, channel deletions, and other nuking attempts.
✅ Advanced Moderation – Ban, kick, mute, warn, and log rule breakers with ease.
✅ Automated Security – Protects against raids, spambots, and suspicious activity.
✅ Customizable Settings – Tailor commands and features to fit your server’s needs.
✅ Fun & Utility Commands – Play games, generate memes, fetch information, and more!
✅ 24/7 Uptime & Lightning-Fast Performance
With Xerl-Bot, your server is protected, efficient, and fun—all in one bot!
🚀 Invite Xerl-Bot now and take your server to the next level!