Hey all!!! We are trying to grow our community and make it more active!
We are very big on mental health and making sure everybody in our community is heard and involved. We are a server for a streamer lanamae and we hope to grow the community as a whole. We make sure that everyone feels included and we are a fun community all together. We also host server events along with chances to be in vc with Lana for stream events!
Rules~ Do not send slurs, or media including slurs
Do not spam or flood the chat.
Do not harass someone or discomfort them. DM a mod or admin if a member makes you feel uncomfortable.
Do not start an offensive controversy. This includes debates of an uncivil magnitude, or hate speech, on sensitive topics.
Do not mess with staff members. Treat them with respect.
Do not send or display NSFW media, including anywhere on your discord profile; discriminatory nicknames, horny status, etc.
Do not self promote in this server or in any member’s DMs. Unless permission is