Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Discord Server Banner
Upa Icon
Anime | Social
Collect over 18,000 gacha focused on anime and games as you trade, compete, and show off your favorites in our global economy!
FlagsDex Discord Bot Icon
Bot | Community
This bot FlagsDex, a spinoff of the popular bot, BallsDex. This bot has over 180 flags of empires and countries and even some tangles and fictional empires.
GeoJourney Icon
Social | Gaming
🌍 The best streetview location guessing minigame, inspired by GeoGuessr! Play with your community, and compete in singleplayer, ranked and multiplayer gamemodes, as well as flag and capital guessing!