Entertainment | Bot
Wraith bot provides free service for everything and has unique features:
- Casino: It runs globally so you can compete against everyone who
uses the bot. With its currency, you can set up features like XP conversion on your server. Our games (blackjack, slots, roulette) differ from the others, differently give them a try if you're interested. (Leaderboard is included)
- XP/Levels-System: You can set as many levels as you want so users can earn XP (customizable as you'd like) through texting or being in a voice chat. You can also reward them with a role(s), on each level-up! (Leaderboard is included)
- Logs: We provide logs for moderation commands (only the ones that get run through the bot!), for the XP-System, and for the Casino.
- Moderation: Basic ones like "delete msgs, ban, kick, etc" (can also be done through userID!). A unique one would be the "blacklist" where only certain user(s) can unban a user(s) from the server!
- Roles-Backup: Have you ever wanted the users that lea