Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Stellar Icon
Stellar is the ultimate all-in-one Discord utility bot. With it's wide selection of features, Stellar tends to stand out. Use our features to control your server with tools like server event logs, chat filter, timeouts, join verification, warnings, autoroling, giveaways, and much much more. Stellar also introduces a command that allows you to scan your server's members. Want to see if you possibly have scamming users in your Discord? Use the scanmembers command to find if anything is wrong with your server.
OGSkies Icon
Entertainment | Music
Our Bot?OGSkies Is Still Not The Final Version❗ And We Will Continue Making It Better?. Our Happiness Is Your Happiness?.
Wraith Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Wraith bot provides free service for everything and has unique features: - Casino: It runs globally so you can compete against everyone who uses the bot. With its currency, you can set up features like XP conversion on your server. Our games (blackjack, slots, roulette) differ from the others, differently give them a try if you're interested. (Leaderboard is included) - XP/Levels-System: You can set as many levels as you want so users can earn XP (customizable as you'd like) through texting or being in a voice chat. You can also reward them with a role(s), on each level-up! (Leaderboard is included) - Logs: We provide logs for moderation commands (only the ones that get run through the bot!), for the XP-System, and for the Casino. - Moderation: Basic ones like "delete msgs, ban, kick, etc" (can also be done through userID!). A unique one would be the "blacklist" where only certain user(s) can unban a user(s) from the server! - Roles-Backup: Have you ever wanted the users that lea
Nyx Icon
Community | Music
Hi, I'm Nyx! I'm a multipurpose Discord bot constantly striving to bring the most useful tools to your Discord server! Ranging from simple, fun commands, to making your members feel welcomed, to full-fledged moderation, I'll always be by your side!
Pizza Place Icon
Community | Financial
the best place for pizza logs you can get just check us out and visit our shop and server for more information
Bouya Icon
Bot | Music
Message de Bienvenue (dans le salon de message système) COMMANDES Musique🎵 /lofi 🎶 (Live Lofi avec musique chill) /pause ⏸️ (Pause de la musique) /resume ▶️ (Reprise de la musique /stop ⛔ (Arrêt et deconnexion de la musique et du bot) /skip ⏩ (Passe la musique) /shuffle 🔀 (Mélange la musique) /clearqueue 🚬 (Enlève la musique existante) Info 😺 /help 🍀 (Commandes d'aide) /avatar 🥀 (PP d'un utilisateur ou soi-même) /info 👤 (Information sur un utilisateur ou soi-même) /stats 🤖 (Statistiques de Bouya) Moderation 🔍 /setuplogs 📋 (Mise en place des logs dans un salon) /clear 🧹 (Supprime des messages) /lock 🔒 (Vérouille un salon) /unlock 🔓 🔑 (Déverouille un salon) Level et Rank 📈 /level 🍃 (Carte de niveau d'un utilisateur ou soi-même) /rank (en train de le faire...)
AshBot Icon
Bot | Technology
AshBot is going public with an exciting array of commands to revolutionize your server experience! From powerful Administrator tools to captivating General commands, AshBot has got you covered! Banish troublemakers with the ban command, or gently nudge them away with the kick command. Maintain order in your server by effortlessly deleting messages using the purge command. Grant or revoke roles with ease, setting a duration if needed, using the role command. Want to explore all that AshBot has to offer? Just type /help, and a world of possibilities will unfold before you. Stay in the loop with your server's essential info using the serverinfo command, and check your server's responsiveness with the classic ping command. Curious about the roles available? Type /roles to see them all! Tailor AshBot's behavior and permissions to perfectly fit your server's dynamics with our customizable configurations. Learn more at https://ashbot.me/
SSC Security Icon
Bot | Technology
Level up your Discord server's security with SSC Security Bot : Smart AI Protection, Advanced Moderation and Logging . and more !