Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Eatery Icon
Get The Best Dining Experience What it does Eatery is the bot that lets you dine at home, without cooking! Eatery has the largest menu in the world, so you can just ask for something, and it will probably be served to you. We guarantee for your order to be served hot, within 5 minutes*. Prefix: % We chose this prefix so it's easy to use, but won't interfere with that many bots. Commands: %help - Help Command %order [something] - Order Something Get it today! So what are you waiting for, get the best fast food experience today, for free!
McDonald's Delivery Bot Icon
Social | Bot
Hello? Hello, hello? Uhh, I wanted to send a message to you… to help you get settled in on your Discord server. Have you ever gotten hungry while chatting and playing games on your server? Well our Discord Mc Donald’s staff is here to help! You can see the list of commands by typing ‘mchelp’. Then you can pick what you want by typing /menu. And yes, we serve vegan food. After you have chosen what you want, use /order! Your order will be sent to our professional chefs, who by the way taught Gordon Ramsay how to cook. Once your order is ready, our delivery driver will deliver it to your server! Cool right? No? Ok… If you’re not a fan of McDonald’s, it’s okay! It is only discord roleplay. Plus, you don’t see any “Wendy’s delivery bot” existing so you have no choice. So c’mon, join the unique experience! Don’t forget to join our main restaurant and leave feedback, we appreciate it! And we do need staff so, try applying! There’s no harm in it. Or does it? Pa param pam pam! ?