Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
PokeSnipe Icon
Anime | Gaming
PokeSnipeBot: The Ultimate Pokémon eBay Deal Hunter 🛍️🔎 Step into the realm of unparalleled Pokémon shopping with PokeSnipeBot. Our mission? To ensure you never miss out on an eBay Pokémon deal, no matter where on the globe it originates. From Japan's unique cards to the US's rare collectibles, we fetch them all, bringing the world of Pokémon trading closer to you. Distinctive Features: 🌍 Global Scope: Our bot scours listings from every corner of the world. 🤖 Advanced Algorithm: We don't just bring deals; we bring the best! Our algorithm evaluates listings on price, Pokémon popularity, seller ratings, and much more. 🔒 User-Centric: Set custom alerts, select channels for notifications, and fine-tune your preferences. Key Commands: /config addchannel [channel-name]: To introduce a channel for the hottest deals. /config removechannel [channel-name]: To bid adieu to the alerts. With PokeSnipeBot, you're not just shopping; you're embarking on a Pokémon treasure hunt. Let's m
PokeGuess Icon
Gaming | Social
Who's That Pokemon! Recreate the most nostalgic guessing game into your server.
Bumper Icon
Community | Anime
Herzlich Willkommen bei Treffpunkt Enton, einem gemütlichen Communityserver, auf dem es nie langweilig wird! Was ihr bei uns findet: Eine offene und freundliche Community Servereigene Emotes! Giveaways und Events, bei denen ihr tolle Preise absahnen könnt Chats zu verschiedenen Themen Ein allzeit hilfsbereites Team Und natürlich Enton Wir freuen uns über jedes neue Mitglied, Euer Team Enton!
bidoof Icon
Anime | Gaming
bidoof scrim aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
PokéCard TCG Icon
Bot | Gaming
🎁 Create an account today using /ptcg play and receive 5 FREE starter decks! Use /ptcg challenge <username> to battle your friends and unlock additional cards. • Open packs and collect cards • Challenge your friends • Build winning decks • Vote for the next set release 💬 During our beta test period, we welcome your feedback. Join our community Discord and tell us what card sets should be released next. :)
Xerone Gaming™ Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Este es un servidor español para cualquier persona. El servidor tiene: -Zona gaming* -Música. -Chat de juegos (Voz y Texto). -Juegos del server. -Sorteos. -Pokémon. -Economía. -Spam en el servidor. -Spam permitido para YouTubers en la web. -Descargas de lo que quieras. -Chistes malos y buenos. -Bot creado por nuestros desarrolladores. -Programas creados por nuestros desarrolladores. *Todas las consolas
LeXi Icon
Entertainment | Community
**Lexi is a multipurpose bot with many features:** Moderation・Currency・Fun・Pokemon・Dragon hunt・Anime・And More... **Commands menu:** **Config:** announce set announce embed whois serverinfo **Moderation:** ban mute unmute warn warnings addrole removerole nick lock unlock **Reactie roles:** rr set-role **Giveaways:** gstart drop **Currency:** work daily beg crime bal with dep give bj slots money add wallet reset bank reset shop item add lb **Fun:** meme fight (@user) click howgay (@user) rps Rock/Paper/Scissor tod match (@user) (@user) breed (@user) (@user) simp (@user) pet (@user) punch (@user) marry (@user) divorce confess set confess **Waifu games:** ha wa **Guess the number:** gtn guess **Dragon game** +hunt +bag +dragons **Pokemon:** start pick spawn hint info profile pokedex **Miscellaneous:** ping purge whois @user afk stop afk translate (non English text) calc remindme why when roll botsuggest (suggestion) bugreport (report) Made by: .𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗.𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.#2525
Roy SysBot Icon
Gaming | Bot
All works for POKEMON SCARLET AND VIOELT! This is a trade bot that can trade you custom pokemon with cool embeds to show you what you traded, and announcements from me, the owner. TRADING ​Command: .t [Pk9 file or Pokémon Format] CLONING Command: .clone DUMPING Command: .dump ​This bot behaves similar to the Link Trade bot, scheduling a trading session with the bot (via Link Code). BATCH TRADING Command: .bt
FantasyMon Icon
Gaming | Anime
FantasyMon is a Discord bot that lets you collect pokémon(s)! As a trainer, you'll have the chance to catch pokémon as they randomly spawn in chat. Compete with your friends to collect the best pokémon, trade with other users to enhance your collection, and battle with other trainers to show off your skill. The possibilities are endless.
Gibrabot Icon
Community | Bot
Description : ・Nous somes une équipe de développer de bot et site web toujours à votre écoute et disponible à chaque instant via notre bot Gibrabot où par le support nous mettons à jours notre bot Gibrabot tous les jours. Gibrabot est un bot multifonctions, il contient tout ce qu'il faut pour un serveur. Ce qu'il contient ? ・Embed, vérification, ticket, économie, fun, modération et même des jeux pokémon,bump, levels, panel admin pousser et un d'antiraid avec logs très pratique. Gibrabot propose un système de partenaires officiels pour remercier tout les utilisateurs qui ajoutent le bot et des giveaways nitro pour les 1er du classement de bump chaque dimanche