Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Gaming | Community
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ENJOYTRUCKERS は、 ETS2 ・ ATS のコミュニティサーバーです。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ このサーバーでは、 どなたでもイベントを開催することができ、 どなたでもイベントに参加していただけます。 また、質問等も受け付けております。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ まだ、 ETS2 ・ ATS を購入していない方も、 初心者の方も大歓迎です!! ぜひお気軽に参加してみてください。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ※注意※ BOTにより怪しいアカウントと判断された場合は、 自動的にキックされます。 サーバーに入れない場合は、 アカウント名やアイコンを見直してみてください。 また、BANされていないかもご確認ください。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Gamers Community Icon
Community | Gaming
Gamers Community is een plaats voor gamers en streamers. waar iedereen zich thuis kan voelen. Hier wordt actief Eurotruck gespeeld, in onze eigen VTC Zeeuw Logistics
ETS 2 Türkiye Multiplayer Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
ETS2 & ATS Multiplayer Truckersmp Türkiye Ets2 oynayanları bir araya toplayıp birlikte euro truck simulator oynamaktır. Küfür ve spam reklam yasaktır.
Topside Gaming | HUB Icon
Gaming | Community
Hello, we are Topside Gaming. A HUB for all your gaming needs. We currently own a FiveM RP server and an Arma 3 server! We also have a CoD MW Regiment! You can check these out in #topside-communities. We also have partners that helps you connect to other communities for more fun! This is in #partnered-communities! If you are a community owner and wish to partner with us, head to #apply-for-partnership. Our staff team is always willing to help you out in anyway possible. If you need any help head to #tickets. We wish you a great stay and happy gaming! Permanent Discord Invite Link:
ETS 2 Lojistik - DaViDoFF Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
DaViDoFF Lojistik discord 2019 yılında ets2 platformu ile tekrar döndük. ets2 ats csgo pubg gta 5 fivem kısaca her türlü oyun
FHH - Finland Heavy Haulage Icon
Gaming | Community
ETS2 ja ATS pelien lisäksi pelaamme CS:GO, GTAV (RP), FS sekä Valorant pelejä. Osin myös kilpailullisesti. Tervetuloa mukaan toimintaamme. Tarjoamme jäsenille myös Farming Simulator 22 dedi 247 serverin käytön.
ATS Icon
Nous sommes les ATS Advanced Tactics Squad, un petit groupe d’amis qui s’est réuni pour s’amuser et évoluer dans le jeu. Nous avons créé cette équipe au départ en pensant que nous resterions longtemps en petit comité (nous imaginions une escouade de 5). L’idée d’essayer d’évoluer et d’avancer sur le jeu a suscité l’intérêt de la majorité des joueurs que nous avons côtoyé. Nous pensons que le jeu existe pour apaiser les esprits revenants du boulot, nous faire échapper à nos sombres pensées ou tout simplement pour s’amuser avec des amis et discuter avec des campouses ou encore des petits kikis d’M320 :stuck_out_tongue: C’est pour ces raisons que l’équipe doit conserver son air familial, afin d’apprendre à mieux se connaître et s’amuser tous ensemble, tout en faisant de temps en temps des entraînements structurés ainsi que des discussions sur les maps/mods.
DracoTolgaTV Icon
Gaming | Streaming
nice and fun place :) if you like simulation game and chat come over. what are u waiting for ? come and hang out
HTL Transport Logistik Nord Icon
Gaming | Community
Wir sind eine kleine virtuelle Spedition und im ETS2 und ATS unterwegs. Nebenher spielen wir aber auch andere Spiele zusammen oder haben einfach eine lustige Zeit.
Design - Simulator Skin Creator Icon
Design | Art
Servarul este in mare parte cu si despre crearea de skin pentru jocurile Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Servarul doreste sa impartaseasca impresi , stiluri , curiozitati , etc Dorim sa dezvoltam o comunitate unita atat artistic cat si in mediul virtual or gameplay Cu cat imaginatia este impinsa la limite putem crea tot ce ne dorim
Pepi_AU Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to Pepi_AU Gaming: DayZ, American Truck Sim, and Laughs with Mates! 🎮🚚😂 Rev up your engines, gear up for survival, and get ready to laugh your heart out with Pepi_AU Gaming! 🌟 🚚 American Truck Sim Adventures: Hit the virtual highways in American Truck Sim! Join convoys, share routes, and dive into the trucking lifestyle with fellow enthusiasts. 🧟‍♂️ DayZ Survival Stories: Battle the undead, team up with survivors, and forge your path in the post-apocalyptic world of DayZ. Thrills and teamwork await! 😂 Laughs and Banter: Experience more than gaming – immerse yourself in a friendly community of banter and good times. Aussie humor and great vibes guaranteed! 🎉 Game Nights and Events: From competitive showdowns to lighthearted events, there's something for everyone. Join the fun and showcase your skills! 🎨 Creative Expression: Share your gaming experiences through art, memes, and stories. Unleash your creativity and connect with fellow gamers. 🗣️ Voice Hangouts: St
E-Tiruwka Icon
Gaming | PC
Hej! Jeżeli szukasz polskiego serwera na którym znajdziesz ludzi grających w ETS2 i ATS, to chodź do nas! Chcemy stworzyć świetną społeczność w której zawsze znajdziesz kogoś do konwoju. 「Co oferujemy?」 >Forum, na którym możesz zapytać ludzi o dosłownie wszystko. >Nierygorystyczny i krótki regulamin >Możliwość zapostowana własnych klipów oraz screenów >Możliwość zdania swojego rodzaju white-listy dającej dostęp do wielu atutów serwera i kanałów do nieco poważniejszych konwojów, na których nikt nie będzie trollować. >Miłą administrację >Nowo powstałe socialmedia naszej społeczności, na których będziemy wrzucać klipy i materiały promocyjne >system rang, który nie jest skomplikowany i klarownie przedstawiony Serwer jest stosunkowo świeży (04.05.2024), w związku z tym nie ma na nim aktualnie gigantycznej aktywności. Liczymy na ciebie! Zapraszamy ^^ ~Zespół e-tiruwkaHej! :truck: Jeżeli szukasz polskiego serwera na którym znajdziesz ludzi grających w ETS2 i ATS, to chodź do nas! Chcemy s
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Icon
Entertainment | Community | Gaming
18+ Young Adults. 1:1 Female/ Male Ratio. Active 24/7 chat and VC. Dating. Profiles. Social. Gaming. Relationship. Friendly. Fun. Chill. Anime. Emotes. SFW. Community. Egirls. Minecraft. Voice. Drinking
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Discord Server Banner
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Icon
Entertainment | Community | Gaming
18+ Young Adults. 1:1 Female/ Male Ratio. Active 24/7 chat and VC. Dating. Profiles. Social. Gaming. Relationship. Friendly. Fun. Chill. Anime. Emotes. SFW. Community. Egirls. Minecraft. Voice. Drinking
ETS2 Foxes Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
ETS2 Foxes sunucusuna şimdiden hoşgeldiniz. DLC ler ve Otobüs Linkleri için tam adresi tüm istediğiniz otobüs linkleri mevcuttur
The_Black_Viper Icon
Writing | PC
Willkommen , ich bin neu und habe einen discord server eröffnet zm zusammen zu Quatschen Spaß zu haben und zusammen zu zocken. wenn ihr lust habt schaut doch gern mal vorbei.
henrysdino Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Wellcome to Discord Server Of HenrysDino
? S&B Trucking ? Icon
Gaming | Community
...The road to performance... - Active, friendly and a great community - Weekly convoys - Custom deliveries - We cater to both ATS and ETS2 - A helpful and friendly staff team S&B Trucking is for the ones who need someone to truck with (Not a VTC)
Cercus Transport VTC Icon
This is the Official Discord Server, and the hub of, Cercus Transport.
Gaming | Community
About SMO SMO was initially founded in 2020 by Shane, Olivia and Stephen. Here at SMO, we believe that great service begins with experienced and friendly drivers. We are a team, a strong force of a family, who work together to drive results and bring success to the company. Choosing SMO. Driver inclusion is an important part of any VTC, and especially important to use. We want all drivers to feel welcomed and be given the flexibility to drive how they choose. We offer regular convoys that provide a fun and friendly atmosphere in our Discord so members can feel comfortable and confident being involved. The age requirement to be accepted as a driver for SMO is 15+.
Swift | ATS (Official Server Icon
Gaming | Community
American truck simulator community with great people and resources for any American Truck Simulator need.
ATS/ETS2 Community Icon
Gaming | Memes
This is a small ATS and ETS2 server. We want you to help us by joining, We are looking to grow the server everyday so we can host convoys daily, as well as some events.
Gaming | Entertainment
This Discord server is meant for people who have either Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2), or American Truck Simulator (ATS), and want to join a organised convoy group!
Gaming | Virtual Reality
Bem-vindo a SIMUBRÁS, o lugar perfeito para os entusiastas de Euro Truck Simulator e American Truck Simulator! Somos uma comunidade acolhedora e apaixonada por caminhões e simulação de condução, e estamos ansiosos para compartilhar essa paixão com você. Na SIMUBRÁS, oferecemos um ambiente amigável e receptivo, onde você pode se conectar com outros jogadores apaixonados por esses simuladores incríveis. Aqui, você encontrará um espaço para compartilhar suas experiências, discutir dicas e truques, trocar histórias e formar amizades duradouras com pessoas que compartilham dos mesmos interesses. Além disso, organizamos eventos regulares, como comboios virtuais, competições emocionantes e desafios temáticos, onde você pode testar suas habilidades, competir com outros membros e até mesmo ganhar prêmios exclusivos.
SimTrucker Icon
Gaming | Streaming
This is SimTrucker's Discord server. Here you'll find information about us and about various games, like Euro Truck Simulator, American Truck Simulator and more.
Truckers' Mod Haven Icon
PC | Gaming
Bienvenue sur Truckers' Mod Haven, l'oasis ultime pour les passionnés d'American Truck Simulator (ATS) cherchant à enrichir leur expérience de jeu avec une communauté dynamique et des mods fascinants. Que vous soyez un conducteur expérimenté parcourant les routes depuis des années ou un nouveau venu prêt à démarrer votre moteur, notre serveur est le lieu idéal pour partager, découvrir et discuter de tout ce qui concerne ATS.
The Alertists Icon
Trading | Financial
🚀 The Alertists – Real Signals. Real Trades. Real Profits. We trade our own algo-signals and log every result with full transparency. No cherry-picking, no hindsight calls - just real execution and data-backed alerts. 💥 Get 30 days FREE with code EARLY_BIRDZ — premium access, zero commitment!
The Alertists Discord Server Banner
The Alertists Icon
Trading | Financial
🚀 The Alertists – Real Signals. Real Trades. Real Profits. We trade our own algo-signals and log every result with full transparency. No cherry-picking, no hindsight calls - just real execution and data-backed alerts. 💥 Get 30 days FREE with code EARLY_BIRDZ — premium access, zero commitment!
The Truck Stop Icon
Gaming | Travel
Welcome to The Truck Stop! We're a growing community of truck enthusiasts who play American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. So, what do we have to offer? 👀 - Help and support for your favourite sims - Our favourite mods - Chance to meet new people and join convoy sessions Pop along today, we'd love to meet you!
J&A Group Icon
Gaming | Technology
|J&A Group| Welcome to J&A Group we play several types of games! A group of older gamers looking for some older people to join our discord! We are activity looking for more pilots to join our VA on Air Hauler 2. We have a good size fleet of aircraft waiting to be used. We also are activity looking for more drivers over at our VTC! Current list of games we play! • MSFS2020 •Farming Sim 22 • American Truck Sim •Stormworks •CoD •SnowRunner •RailRoader
Mr.Bandit Icon
Gaming | Community
Acesta este server-ul de discord oficial al comunitatii Train Simulator Romania by Mr.Bandit. Va asteptam cu drag pe toti!
GameHive Maps Icon
Gaming | Streaming
We are the creators of Europe Extended Map for ETS2 and America Extended Map for ATS Join us for an exciting new trucking experience with Europe extended map and America extended map. Take part in covoys and our regular free giveaways. come and join a new map to explore.
Team Simulator Italia Icon
Gaming | Community
We're an ETS2 and ATS Italian VTC that aims to become international. We really love sharing our passion for virtual trucking together and we like to make and participate to awesome convoys along with our partners and other VTCs in those fantastic two simulation games. If you are really passionate for these two games and want to share our passion with other people, this is the right place. The platforms we use for our VTC are TrucksBook (for jobs telemetry) and the TruckersMP multiplayer platform (for participating to convoys and doing trips together).