ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ETS 2 Türkiye Multiplayer Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
ETS2 & ATS Multiplayer Truckersmp Türkiye Ets2 oynayanları bir araya toplayıp birlikte euro truck simulator oynamaktır. Küfür ve spam reklam yasaktır.
Bulls Romania Icon
Gaming | Community
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bulls Romania - Official pages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trucksbook Link: https://trucksbook.eu/company/136432 TruckersMP Link: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/50360 Invitatie Discord: https://discord.gg/ZaHbm9MX7c --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The_Black_Viper Icon
Writing | PC
Willkommen , ich bin neu und habe einen discord server eröffnet zm zusammen zu Quatschen Spaß zu haben und zusammen zu zocken. wenn ihr lust habt schaut doch gern mal vorbei.
ATS/ETS2 Community Icon
Gaming | Memes
This is a small ATS and ETS2 server. We want you to help us by joining, We are looking to grow the server everyday so we can host convoys daily, as well as some events.
Dream Haulage LTD Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Are you ready to embark on a journey across the virtual highways of Euro Truck Simulator 2? Look no further than Dream Haulage LTD, a virtual trucking company that's taking the Euro Truck Simulator 2 community by storm. Established in October 2023, Dream Haulage LTD is not just a VTC; it's a community of passionate virtual truckers who share a common dream of exploring the open roads of Europe. Requirements Age: 13+ A legal copy of ETS2 or ATS on steam A Working Microphone
Oui Transport Icon
Gaming | Community
Le serveur de l'entreprise virtuelle (VTC) Euro Truck Simulator 2 vous accueille cordialement. Vous êtes sur un serveur où l'ambiance est agréable et où vous pouvez vous détendre en toute respect. Si tu es un amateur de jeux de simulation de conduite, que ce soit avec ou sans expérience, tu désires rejoindre une équipe afin de jouer ensemble et de vivre de bons moments inoubliables, sans jamais voir les heures qui passent. Chez Oui Transport, il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir un CV étendu en tant que joueur. Il faut avoir le jeu et que tu aimes passer du temps à jouer avec nous, sans nécessairement être présent tous les jours. Notre objectif principal est de maintenir la simplicité. Ce serveur nous donne la possibilité de converser en voix pendant, avant ou après une partie et surtout de rassembler une communauté de passionnés qui désirent contribuer à l'édifice et organiser des convois. Penses-tu te retrouver dans cette situation?
Entertainment | Mature
KURALLAR HIZ SINIRI:MAX 95-100 KM AKŞAM SAAT 21:00'DE DİSCORD AKTİFLİĞİ sizleri de aramızda görmekten mutluk duyarız.. (NOT:DİSCORDA'da GOOGLE'DE VPN İNDIREREK KATILABILIRISNIZ) Baykuştan pervâmız yok, biz şahinler sürüsüyüz (FATİH SULTAN MEHMET HAN)
Gaming | Tabletop
MARKA LOGİSTİCS AİLESİNE siz kıymetli şöför arkadaşlarimızı bekliyoruz grubumuzda trucksbookta şirketimiz vardır şirketimizde (KİLOMETRE) kasmaktayız bu şirketlerle tatlı rekabet ederek ülkemizin bayrağını Avrupa ileri seviyeye taşiyoruz diskorttaki başvuru formunu doldurarak ailemize aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız saygılarimizla🙏😊🤗
Speed Company Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Salutare va asteptam pe servarul nostru de discord pentru a juca jocurii impreuna si a lega prietenii noi cu oameni de calitate