DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Gaming | Community
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ENJOYTRUCKERS は、 ETS2 ・ ATS のコミュニティサーバーです。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ このサーバーでは、 どなたでもイベントを開催することができ、 どなたでもイベントに参加していただけます。 また、質問等も受け付けております。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ まだ、 ETS2 ・ ATS を購入していない方も、 初心者の方も大歓迎です!! ぜひお気軽に参加してみてください。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ※注意※ BOTにより怪しいアカウントと判断された場合は、 自動的にキックされます。 サーバーに入れない場合は、 アカウント名やアイコンを見直してみてください。 また、BANされていないかもご確認ください。 https://site.ejts.0t0.jp/discord/ban ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
ETS 2 Türkiye Multiplayer Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
ETS2 & ATS Multiplayer Truckersmp Türkiye Ets2 oynayanları bir araya toplayıp birlikte euro truck simulator oynamaktır. Küfür ve spam reklam yasaktır.
RadarOgi Discord Icon
Gaming | Memes
radarogi discord sunucusu radarogi discord sunucusu radarogi discord sunucusu radarogi discord sunucusu radarogi discord sunucusu
Euro Express VTC Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
We are Euro Express VTC Discord: https://discord.gg/euroexpressvtc TruckersMP: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/66845 TrucksBook: https://trucksbook.eu/company/182370
Kara Ambar Logistics Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Kara ambar logistics 10.09.2023 tarihinde Ali , Günay , Eray , Tarik olarak 4 kişi ortak kurmuştur. Kuruluş amacımız Truckersmp de kaliteli bir şirket olup en üst seviyelere çıkıp bizimle çalışan arkadaşlarımız ile aile olup en güzel yerlere gelmektir. Kendine çok güvenen Kara Ambar Ailesi her gecen gün kaliteli kişileri arasına alarak çok hızlı büyümeye devam etmektedir. Sloganımız su şekildedir. " Kuru fasulyeniz bol yolunuz açık olsun. " Sloganımıza sizde destek vermek istiyorsanız bize katılabilirsiniz.
𝓡𝓸𝓽𝓪 𝓛𝓞𝓙𝓘̇𝓢𝓣𝓘̇𝓚™ Icon
Gaming | Travel
Rota LOJİSTİK™ 30/07/2023™ 2023 yılında %100 yerli sermaye ile kurulmuş lojistik şirketidir. Kuruluşundan bu yana ülkemizde ve yurt dışında bir çok ürünün nakliye edilmesi konusunda faaliyet göstermektedir.
Sensity Logistics Icon
Suntem o companie virtuală de transport dedicată să ofere o experiență profesională și prietenoasă pe platforma TruckersMP. La Sensity, ne mândrim cu o echipă unită și pasionată de transporturile virtuale, unde fiecare membru este apreciat și încurajat să-și dezvolte abilitățile de șofer. Cu un standard înalt de profesionalism, călătorim prin Europa virtuală, livrând marfă și experiențe unice alături de o comunitate de șoferi din toate colțurile lumii. Aici, la Sensity, creăm amintiri, legăm prietenii și ne distrăm, totul în timp ce păstrăm standardele siguranței și seriozității pe care le căutăm într-un mediu de conducere virtual.
GoodLuck Cargo ˡᵗᵈ Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A Small Group For Euro Truck Sim 2, American Truck Sim and TruckersMP
? S&B Trucking ? Icon
Gaming | Community
...The road to performance... - Active, friendly and a great community - Weekly convoys - Custom deliveries - We cater to both ATS and ETS2 - A helpful and friendly staff team S&B Trucking is for the ones who need someone to truck with (Not a VTC)
King Transport Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Wir sind eine wirtuelle Spedition im euro Truck simulator und suchen neue Fahrer Wir sind die Kings wen es ums Frachten Transportieren geht Das bieten wir euch -Ein nettes und angenehmes Arbeitsklima in der Spedition. -Freie LKW Wahl. -einen Firmen Discord Server. -mehrere Konvois. Was solltest du mitbringen: -Spiel Spaß. -Discord. -Ein Mikrofon (keinePlficht). Das verlangen wir -Ehrlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit. -Playertag ist Pflicht. -Firmenlackierung (nur bei Konvois Plicht) -Mindestens 2000km im Monat -freundlich sein -vernünftiges Fahren
Jauvergne Icon
Business | Community
Entreprise virtuelle (VTC) Solo et multijoueur pour Euro Truck Simulator 2 / Flight Simulator et Train Sim World
Swift Logistics Icon
Gaming | Community
Server Description Swift Logistics is an international vtc founded in May 12 2023, here our goal is to have fun and have a good experience with our drivers. HOW TO APPLY? To join our vtc you need to follow a few simple steps, visit our site for more info: t.ly/swiftlog And our team will answer you as soon as possible. HOW TO CONTACT US? To contact us you can use our email address, social networks, or our discord.
Shupogaki Cafe⌈™⌋ Icon
Community | Gaming
Just a server full of degens, anime addicts and 0 filters. Aswell as many channels to fulfill your fetishes from guns, to kantai or gacha games channels. Pick your poison.
Shupogaki Cafe⌈™⌋ Discord Server Banner
Shupogaki Cafe⌈™⌋ Icon
Community | Gaming
Just a server full of degens, anime addicts and 0 filters. Aswell as many channels to fulfill your fetishes from guns, to kantai or gacha games channels. Pick your poison.
Dream Haulage LTD Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Are you ready to embark on a journey across the virtual highways of Euro Truck Simulator 2? Look no further than Dream Haulage LTD, a virtual trucking company that's taking the Euro Truck Simulator 2 community by storm. Established in October 2023, Dream Haulage LTD is not just a VTC; it's a community of passionate virtual truckers who share a common dream of exploring the open roads of Europe. Requirements Age: 13+ A legal copy of ETS2 or ATS on steam A Working Microphone
TruckersMTA Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
TruckersMTA, MTA San Andreas oyununda insanların tır sürmesi için geliştirilen bir sunucudur. Sizde bu eğlenceye katılabilirsiniz!
Gaming Realm Icon
Gaming | Anime
Welcome to Gaming Realm! Step into a world where gamers unite! Whether you're dropping into PUBG, cruising in Euro Truck Simulator 2, binge-watching movies, exploring anime, or diving into coding projects, Gaming Realm is the place for you. Join a vibrant community of like-minded enthusiasts, share your passions, and make lasting friendships. The adventure begins now – jump in and let's create some epic memories together!
Truckers Community Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to Truckers Community, where truckers will be united. We strive for an all-inclusive community where all players of ETS and ATS come together and chat, have fun, and make some new friends to play with. Since we're a new community, we will try to build up this empire to be one of the biggest trucker communities of Discord. But we can't do that alone. Join us, and meet new friends to ride together with.
Community | Gaming
**Română 🇷🇴:** 🚛 **Bun venit pe [Numele Serverului]!** 🌍 Cauți o comunitate activă de **Euro Truck Simulator 2** și **TruckerMP**? Ai ajuns unde trebuie! 🏆 ✅ Convoaie zilnice & evenimente speciale ✅ O comunitate prietenoasă și activă ✅ Canale pentru socializare și schimb de experiență ✅ Suport pentru jucători noi și experimentați 💡 Alătură-te nouă și pornește la drum cu cei mai tari șoferi! 🚛💨 **English 🇬🇧:** 🚛 **Welcome to [Server Name]!** 🌍 Looking for an active **Euro Truck Simulator 2** and **TruckerMP** community? You've come to the right place! 🏆 ✅ Daily convoys & special events ✅ Friendly and active community ✅ Social channels & experience sharing ✅ Support for new and experienced players 💡 Join us and hit the road with the best truckers! 🚛💨
Infinity Austria Gmbh Icon
Role-Playing | Social
Infinity Austria GmbH – Offizieller Discord-Server Willkommen auf dem Discord-Server der Infinity Austria GmbH, einer virtuellen Spedition im Euro Truck Simulator 2! 🚛✨ Hier treffen sich motivierte Fahrer, Disponenten und Simulation-Liebhaber, um gemeinsam spannende Touren zu fahren und eine lebendige Community zu schaffen. Was wir bieten: 🚦 Organisierte Convoy-Fahrten: Regelmäßige gemeinsame Fahrten, um das Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu stärken. 📈 SpedV Integration: Professionelle Abrechnung deiner Touren für ein realistisches Spielerlebnis. 🎮 TruckersMP Kompatibilität: Wir fahren auf den Straßen der Multiplayer-Welt! 📜 Strukturierte Regeln: Ein respektvolles und harmonisches Miteinander steht bei uns im Fokus. 🔴 Firmenlackierung und Playertag: Einheitliches Auftreten für mehr Professionalität. 🌍 Freie LKW-Wahl: Deine Kreativität zählt – solange es unsere Lackierung trägt! 🎉 Events und Specials: Spannende Herausforderungen und spezielle Konvois warten auf dich. Unsere Community: W
Firestorm Logistics Icon
Community | Gaming
🚛 Firestorm Logistics is looking for dedicated drivers! Firestorm Logistics is a dynamic and future-focused logistics company seeking flexible and active drivers to join our motivated team. ✨ What we offer you: 🎨 Company truck livery (both paid and free options available) 🚚 Option to use your own truck ❌ No mileage requirements! 🤝 Friendly and active teammates 📈 Attractive promotion opportunities 🌴 Flexible “vacation days” upon request 🏷 Personalized TMP nametag 🔞 No minimum age requirement 📱 Order tracking through Trucky 🔎 What we expect from you: 📌 Experience with Trucky 🚦 Familiarity with TruckersMP (TMP) 😊 Friendliness, honesty, and teamwork 🚜 Passion for driving and community engagement ⏳ Moderate activity (your private life comes first!) ⚠ Responsible driving habits 🔄 Flexibility with order assignments 📍 Our headquarters: Hannover, based at the “FCP” company. Website: https://firestormlogistics.wordpress.com/