Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. He collects over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyzes historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Akinator Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Akinator will guess who or what you are thinking of! Easy to use & Available in multiple languages!
Frodo Icon
Gaming | Bot
### Features The bot will currently has quite a few games. The full list currently is * [Akinator](https://frodo.fun/commands#Akinator) * [Anagrams](https://frodo.fun/commands#Anagrams) * [Connect Four](https://frodo.fun/commands#Connect%20Four) * [Hangman](https://frodo.fun/commands#Hangman) * [Othello](https://frodo.fun/commands#Othello) * [Rock Paper Scissors](https://frodo.fun/commands#Rock%20Paper%20Scissors) * [Trivia](https://frodo.fun/commands#Trivia) * [Tic Tac Toe](https://frodo.fun/commands#Tic%20Tac%20Toe) * [Fact](https://frodo.fun/commands#Fact) * [Fortune](https://frodo.fun/commands#Fortune) * [Insult](https://frodo.fun/commands#Insult) * [Joke](https://frodo.fun/commands#Joke) ### Leaderboards * Frodo also features public leaderboards * Currently, the only command featuring a leaderboard is trivia and it can be viewed online [here](https://frodo.fun/leaderboard) or in discord by using the command `/leaderboard`
Akinator Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
ai based akinator **[dashboard](https://shapes.inc/realakinator)** **[support server](https://discord.gg/6AG26JGvJA)**